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  GryphonKlaw said:
  kurupter13 said:
my bad. u could go ahead and diss me if u want i deserve it

Oh no worry, I'm very hard to upset. :lol:

But when Mr. G does flip out, get out of the way. Fast.


Nah jk, Mr. G is cool as ice. :-D

  Agozer said:
  GryphonKlaw said:
  kurupter13 said:
my bad. u could go ahead and diss me if u want i deserve it

Oh no worry, I'm very hard to upset. :lol:

But when Mr. G does flip out, get out of the way. Fast.


Nah jk, Mr. G is cool as ice. :-D

The worst I get is luke warm. Unless you're Frost, then I go volcano on your ass. :(

  kurupter13 said:
lol ufc is a fag sport this is coming from a kid who i bet never works out or who is a  fat or skinny computer geek lol. so boxing is a fag sport too. i bet u think wrestling isnt gay or anything like that right.

That has to be the MOST. RANDOMEST. THING. EVER.


Boxing is awesome if you ask me.


I think I might have seen some of this UFC, I remember watching some Muay Thai competetion on ESPN at like 2 AM... entertaining.

  kurupter13 said:
lol ufc is a fag sport this is coming from a kid who i bet never works out or who is a  fat or skinny computer geek lol. so boxing is a fag sport too. i bet u think wrestling isnt gay or anything like that right.

Oh no, there's nothing gay about a bunch of greased-up men grabbing each other in various body parts and wrestling each other to the ground.


Unless you mean "professional wrestling" in which case, that's not a sport, it's a ballet (it sure is choreographed enough) :lol: !


NB: I was just doing this to get a rise out of wrestling fans, just a playful joke -no-one go too nuts with the flaming or anything


Wrestling is entertainment. Sure everything is fixed, but when a company like ECW came around, it changed the wrestling scene forever. Every pain; every chair shot, every table, every blood spot isn't what it seems sometimes. For one, most of the wrestlers prefer a stock table other then the pre cut ones, they sell the bump much more. Chairs are normal aluminum chairs, ever see someone take it full force in the head? (Balls Mahony has a tendecy to go over the edge with his chair shots, made several wrestlers get concussions/made them actually bleed when they didn't protect their head's). Anyways, American wrestling sucks, want good, actual wrestling, watch Zero-One, MLW or New Japan. Their wrestling skill beats the WWE shizzle there is.

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