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Im tired of wasting DVD-Rs which cost like 2 bucks each, and going thru tons of CDRs to have crappy quality/5 CD movies to watch!! Does anyone know where i can get a VGA to RCA adaptor so i can just hook my Computer up to my TV?


Or if there is a way to make one out of a VGA cord i think that would work too! Can someone PLEASE help?


Nah they didnt have anything, Does anyone have a diagram that shows what pins do what on a VGA cord? Like a Pinout Sheet or something? I might have to just make one

Posted (edited)

Dude, if you have a DVD burner, then you can just rip whole DVDs.


Please note though that it is not possible to get a whole lot of crappy quality videos to fit on a DVD - because they have to be reincoded for DVD format even the worst-quality mpgs will work out HUGE (so that the capacity is less than a normal DVD would fit). But get a program to remove the macromedia encoding for DVDs and you can burn discs that work in any DVD player, despite region or type (even PS2s and our home theatre thingy which isn't supposed to play burned discs can play them).

Edited by random guy

yeah i know, Ive copied whole DVDs before, I even have entire DVD rips on my HDD, but DVD-Rs are like 2 bucks each, and it would just be easier to play them off my computer.

Posted (edited)

Why not either get DVD-RW's or my friend Sinasta posted this at IronMugen's forum


there is a cd version to this and a dvd version. Ill explain the dvd version first.


first download these thre rar files:


http://ps2newz.net/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=137627 <--rar 1


http://ps2newz.net/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=137628 <--rar 2


http://ps2newz.net/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=137629 <--rar 3


you will get a 2 gig iso file when decompressed.


Burn that image with nero or dvd decryptor or any dvd burning software.


next on a separate dvd disc, burn all of your favarote animes on it.


> made 3 dvd disc with naruto avi animes on it. 1-75 <


open neros and choose dvd format and start a dvd iso. click new and drag all of your avi's to the empty window next the browser.


There is no limit to how many avi's you can burn on a dvd as long as the disc can hold them. otherwards fill it to the max.


once its set, hit the burn disc icon above and set the iso seting to match these settings:


http://ps2newz.net/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=137626 <---click there to see the image.


once its all set, then just burn the dvd.


once thats finished, boot up your ps2 as if your playing a backup. load the dvd media player, and once it loads, press any button to skip the credits and do so until the main menu appears. load it from a cdrom "thats the option to choose" and once you see the option to browse, select it and swap your media player disc for a dvd disc with your avi's "use EA method", slide card or fliptop, then all of your avis will load up! and enjoy.


This method saves me much trouble than encoding it to svcd or dvd format, which is time consuming and plenty of files can fit on one dvd disc thus saving space on the hard drive and you will have plenty to watch on your home tv.


I must say, Watching Nauto on a 54 inch hdtv with my surrond sound system is quite an experience!


atleats 26 eps can fit on one dvd-r and only 3 can fit on one cd-r. which would you prefer?


Now the cd version.


Just click here and follow directions.




Get cdgen here : http://www.ps2ownz.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=19161


for making a cd-r version of the media player with avi's included, thats what you need.


Have fun and enjoy!


Myself I have an HDTV with a VGA in on it, but if $80 is too high then I will not suggest getting this :lol:

Edited by The TeamPlayer
Posted (edited)

DVDs take forever to burn, i only have an 8X burner, so i want to just go VGA to RCA is why i dont want to use RWs


80 bucks is the cheapest ive seen so far, so if no one can beat that then i guess thats the best ill get :lol: (im assuming your talking about a BOX not an HDTV, 80 dollar HDTV? WHERe!??! hehe)


Im looking for an RCA to VGA adaptor also, so if there was one that went both ways that would be sweet, but thats probably wishfull thinking

Edited by Shibathedog

you can get yourself a newer videocard that offers TV OUT (usually svcd) it will upgrade your video memory for your pc (most likely) and allow you to shoot your vids to your tv without burning anything.


Since you dont want to spend more than $80 i wont tell you to get an xbox to use it as a mediacenter. unless you have an xbox then you can get a chip for it *less than 80*


if your not into PC GAMING the new vid card wont be much use. (im sure you can find one for less than 80.


I dont have anything special but it has vid out (Nvidia FX 5200) probably around the 80 dollar range now.

not into PC gaming...new video card...heh...dude i have the ATi Radeon 9800 Pro, its got S-Vid, but my crapass TV doesnt, i need a new TV...

ok go to the goodwill, salvation army, any other thrift store you can think of. you can find a tv there with s-vid for cheap. I got a 32 inch with s-vid and hella rca jacks for 65 bucks. I got a 27 inch with s-vid for 40 bucks. if you don't find anything on the first trip, keep checking sooner or later one will come up that fits your needs.

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