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I just got my hands on the new book by former Nixon counsel John Dean, "Worse than Watergate." It's about how this Bush administration is more secretive than the Nixon administration.


I just got it yesterday so I haven't had a chance to read much. I'll hit you guys up on a review when I'm done.


I suggest you also grab a copy and read it.

Cool. I'll look into it.


Speaking of books, what are your main interests Gryph?


People interested in historical theory may want to check out Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. Hitler's Pope is also very interesting; it talks the history of the Roman Catholic church and looks at its historical roots of power and corruption.

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Speaking of books, what are your main interests Gryph?

Mainly humor books like George Carlin, Dennis Miller, Steve Martin, Al Franken. Also books on current politics like the one I'm reading now. Also a mixture of the two like Al Franken and other political satirists.


I'm not too much into history, I mean I read history text books but not too many books. I just finished reading "The Double Helix" again which is good.


I'm mostly into non fiction because I like to learn stuff. And the fiction that I read is mainly classical stuff like Twain, Dickens, Wells. The only sci fi stuff that I really enjoy is Wells, Asimov, and Bradbury (well he's not really sci fi). I haven't read anything by Asimov since 8th grade though.


I hate Shakespere. I've actually never fully read a book for any of my classes. I've read enough to get by on the quizes, tests, and essays.


My next phase will be late 19th-early to mid 20th century authors like Hemingway, Walker Percy, Kurt Vonnegut, and the like.


I actually don't like to read but I have to keep my mind sharp and my reading comprehension skills tip top.


I like political satirists, but actual politics just doesn't interest me. Meh.


Yeah, I've had enough of politics -- taking political science at the moment.


Satire is good. I like Vonnegut and Chuck Palahnuick (sp?).


And Krishnamurti beats any of the philosophers I've ever read.

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