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When I used P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver 1.16, the resolution was set in 320x240. I changed it to 640x480 and even higher in the configuration settings, but it still seems to be in 320x240. Does anyone know how to turn up the resolution in the P.E.Op.S Soft Driver video plugin?


Any help would be appreciated.

When I used P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver 1.16, the resolution was set in 320x240.  I changed it to 640x480 and even higher in the configuration settings, but it still seems to be in 320x240.  Does anyone know how to turn up the resolution in the P.E.Op.S Soft Driver video plugin?


Any help would be appreciated.

I've never had any problems like this with those plugins. Have you tried using Pete's OpenGL Driver?


Thanks for replying DanManXZ


Yeah, I tried Pete's OpenGL Driver. I did not have any problems with that plugin. It is just that when I turn on the screen smoothing, the game seems to slow down and so does the sound.


The reason that I want to use the soft driver is because it seems to blur the picture so that the graphics don't look too sharp and jagged at the edges. It doesn't seem to need as much requirements as the other plugin. But with the P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver plugin, I can't seem to turn up the resolution.


Here are my settings if someone is willing to help.


Plugin: P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver 1.1.16

Author: Pete Bernert and the P.E.Op.S. team



- 640x480 Fullscreen - [32 Bit]

Stretch mode: 0

Dither mode: 2



- FPS limit: on

- Frame skipping: off

- FPS limit: Auto



- Scanlines: disabled

- Game fixes: on [00000001]


Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the suggestion Weirdanzeige, but it still did not seem to work.


Is it possible that the plugin was only programmed to go as high as 320x200 because when I put the settings in fast or nice, that is the resolution it sets it to. If I set the resolution to anything higher than that, it is still in 320x200.


The only time that the resolution slightly increases is when I turn on a stretching filter such as Super 2xSal kreed, Super Eagle, Scale2x etc.


Thanks to all who tried to help. If anyone else has any suggestions please reply.

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