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Scissorman is the major enemy of the game Clock Tower.

I searched google as thourghoughly as possible but was unable to find a pic of him anywhere...:unsure:

I was hoping someone here could help.

Posted (edited)

The best I could say is look for Clock Tower game images at IGN or GameSpot. It's possible that the Video Game Museum has screenshots, but I don't know about original art. That would be kinda interesting (fan art) since he's really demented looking.

Edited by StriderSkorpion

Grab Paint Shop Pro. I'm sure they still distribute a shareware version. You could also go searching for Adobe Photoshop on KaZaA or the likes. You just need a picture editting program that allows for converting file types. Is it a.img file or.bmp, BTW?


You'll need some sort of GIF or MNG animator program. You can http://www.download.com for one. I'm sure there are freeware and/or shareware versions available. MSPaint usually saves files as bitmaps, but, IIRC, the version in XP can let you save them in JPEG format. Don't hold me to that, though.


Find somewhere to host if from, then plug in the url for the pic when posting (click the IMG button right above where your text appears).

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