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GBA daddy


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I heard yoshis island on the GBA has extra levells compared to the snes version?

Is this true.

Has anyone completed metroid fusion yet?

I have played it but not much like an hour or somethin an im up the the third section?

What you think of metroid fusion?

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Yoshi's Island for the GBA has the option of playing the original Mario Bros, but the main game looks like a direct port of the SNES game Yoshi's Island. They may have added some levels, but I doubt it.


As for Metroid Fusion. I've played it and beat it. 3:58 on my first time through with 40% item collection. (I beat it with only 8 of 20 energy tanks too)

I'm playing another one, where I'm easily more than 1/2 way through the game, and only 0:56 into it. I'll have it beat in under 2 hours this time around.

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Yoshi's Island has 6 extra levels but it is still really short. If you spend time trying to get 100 points for every level then it will last a lot longer of course.


I have completed metroid fusion twice now. The first time was 4:40 with 64% items. THe last time was 4:04 with 100%. I will probably play it again in a couple of weeks to get a better time.


Next games I will play are contra advance!!(I love the hard ones :idea: ) and Lord of the Rings:THe two towers. LOTR the first game sucked but this second one is like handheld diablo! It is great.


Man, I love flash carts



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Ehehe check my FTP Emsley.........though it isn't exactly "out"


tisk...tisk, for shame. your such the little stinker. :roll: god i love emulation! :oops:

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