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hi i'm a newbee in this area. I've only just got the hang of things but still a freshie,

anyway i was wandering i just recently downloaded KOf2003+neorageX emu and when i played it it was actually Kof2004 ex plus, i was wandering if i could play it on the nebula i've created a dat file but it still deosn't work all i get is the credit flickerin but the game wont start, deos anybody know how i can get this to work please?

Posted (edited)

Sorry, KOF2003 only works on the following emulators: NeoRageX (special hack that you have), MAME32plus, Kawaks Dev, and FBA.


And KOF2004 plus is the same as KOF2003 except it has the boss hacks. But its the same game so don't fret over it.


The game doesn't work on Nebula yet. And I don't know when it will.

Edited by GryphonKlaw
Posted (edited)

Someone just named the hack KOF2004explus so that it would sound cooler and fool n00bs into thinking that it was a brand new game. :lol:


Yeah....What Mr. G said, goes.

Edited by Agozer

In game, I think it's still KoF 2K3, but with Hero in place of insert coin or press start. It's kinda like the Plus hacks/bootlegs (MS5, SvC, KoF 97, etc.). Like GryphonKlaw said, the game is just a hack of KoF 2K3. I've seen one MAME build that had a driver for Hero, but there wasn't any source. I believe it was called MAME Special Kalliera build or the likes.


Wow, haxor3d versions rock. I can't wait until they change a few costume colours and create kof2005explus limited edition.


It's a little more than a "hack," but not much (only because it's a bootleg game). There are some costume color hacks for the Kawaks/MAME rom set. You can get them from Dream Generation. The color hacks aren't too bad, IMO. The costumes can provide an alternative to current ones, if you ever get tired of them.

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