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I think you all hear about kof2004 and it will be in neowave but I realy want to know if there any hope to emulate it and dump the rom


Neo Geo is done. In all honesty i am kind of glad it is. Now they can focus on new hardware and use that to the fullest. who knows in another 10 year they will still be using the atomiswave board and kof2010 or something will be an amazing game.


KOF2010. lol :lol:


It will take a while to get Atomiswave emulated, but it'll happen sooner or later.


I predict that after the Dreamcast is emulated, Atomiswave and NAOMI will soon follow since they are basically similar. The pathway will have been laid out for the two arcade systems and it might take maybe a year or so to tackle the other stuff.


But that is ofcourse hopeless dreaming.


The problem with using new hardware, kaioshade, is that is doesn't always work out. Case in point, the Hyper 64. I'm hoping things do work out for the Atomiswave. The first few games are going to be done by Sammy, IIRC, but SNK-Playmore is going to do the rest of their games on the Atomiswave probably. I know they've officially announced that they're no longer supporting the Neo Geo and there have been rumors that they were looking at developing on the Atomiswave. With Sammy buying their IPs to use on its hardware, this may have influence SNKP to use the Atomiswave themselves.

I predict that after the Dreamcast is emulated, Atomiswave and NAOMI will soon follow since they are basically similar. The pathway will have been laid out for the two arcade systems and it might take maybe a year or so to tackle the other stuff.


But that is ofcourse hopeless dreaming.

We can only dream.


But yes, they are almost exactly like a Dreamcast. Hey, in 10 years, we'll be playing it on your super fast 35GHz comps with 40GB of RAM


K'dash, there's no need for 40GB of RAM unless the processors are all upgraded to 64-bit and/or above. Otherwise, 4GB of RAM will work just fine (all based on the swap file size). Anyways, I bet you could get decent emulation out of 800Mhz processors and above as long as you have 256MB or 512MB of RAM and above.

K'dash, there's no need for 40GB of RAM unless the processors are all upgraded to 64-bit and/or above.  Otherwise, 4GB of RAM will work just fine (all based on the swap file size).  Anyways, I bet you could get decent emulation out of 800Mhz processors and above as long as you have 256MB or 512MB of RAM and above.

I don't think he was being very serious about that 40 GB ram thing... :(

damn, this space ship flies great, about 5000mph, good handling and it burns off hydrogen....


ah well..I'm going home to use MAME cause Atomiswave just got emulated at perfect speed


..bye now, have a great time in the past

Posted (edited)
K'dash, there's no need for 40GB of RAM unless the processors are all upgraded to 64-bit and/or above.  Otherwise, 4GB of RAM will work just fine (all based on the swap file size).  Anyways, I bet you could get decent emulation out of 800Mhz processors and above as long as you have 256MB or 512MB of RAM and above.

I don't think he was being very serious about that 40 GB ram thing... :(

Nope, I was being sarcastic. And 64bit CPU's are on the harizion.

Edited by K`dash

Actually, I do realize the sarcasm, I was just being too serious. Um, they're more than on the horizon, they're here. I'll wait until the RAM get's a little closer to the swap file size (more likely sooner than that). Anyways, I wonder if SNK-Playmore will retreat to the Neo if the Atomiswave doesn't work out. One could always dream, or have nightmares depending on the way you look at it.

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