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My 1000th Post!

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Never thought I'd see the day. The creator of the greatist threads of all time now has a thousand post (and counting). *Tears of joy start to fall* Anyways I might be the most hated member here(I DON'T GIVE A DAMN), but I am glad to be here. :(

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  Fatal Rose said:
The creator of the greatist threads of all time now has a thousand post (and counting).


What? I don't have a thousand posts yet. :( I noticed that earlier you had 999 and was wondering if you'd notice. Well, I guess I could crack a beer in your honor, but you can't have any, you're too young. :D

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Grats and stuff, but i call BS on your like 4 word 1k post,so disapointing! I think you need to do something more imaginative for it, and then we can call it even! Quick, someone start deleting some posts till he posts something cool :(


And yes, as i explained before, im tired, this post is not meant to be harsh.

Edited by Jitx
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By looking at your avatar, I'd have to say you look tired. :D Anyways, give me mod status and I'll take care of it (j/k). :D


Edit: K'dash is right, I think maybe we should reduce your post count to about, say 30? That may be a little too giving. :(

Edited by StriderSkorpion
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Well, as far as post counts go, you joined here 23 days after me and have some 400 more posts than me. An impressive effort. Sure, kinda :spam: -my, but I'll forgive you if you don't make any more 'cosplay-esque' threads! :lol:

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and you have to remember we lost a few days worth of posts due to the haxoring incedent.........rose would prolly have 1300 post if not for that!


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