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They run pretty crap, so u are better off getting the psx versions and playing them instead.  Or you could wait for the final version of Zinc, which is supposedly due out later this year sometime.

Is there no other emulator to run tekken meanwhile :-D


that is preety harsh..... :)

That's the way of the world, kiddo. And the ZinC emulation for it isn't that great either. I have it and the colors and polygons get screwy sometimes.


Hey guys. I see that there is this tekken that runs on snes emu and on some mame emus


got word on that :lol:


Huh? There may be a bootleg rom for the SNES that's "Tekken," but it would be totally 2D like the NES bootleg and Genesis bootleg Virtua Fighter vs. Tekken (not actual in game name). The SNES one looks to be the VF hack w/ all Tekken characters ported to the SNES. MAME emulates Tekken and so does Zinc. Aside from that I don't know of any other arcade emulators that run it.


Tekken 2 runs fine for me on Mame, but with no sound.


"But Morpheus...the Oracle..."

"She told you exactly what you needed to hear. One day Neo you will realise, just as I did, that there is a difference between knowing the path, and walking it."


i got a version of mame that runs tekken




"Duelling is my raison d'etre " Fighting to the finish where none but me shalt be sucessful. Fight with all strenght and might and your opponent will be in a sudden plight :P



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