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I myself have been a NRX fan ever since i got into emulation more than 2 years ago, perhaps too long. Since NRX is pretty much dead outside of hacks and since the source code was never released that means excluding the hacks, theres little to no work that can be done on NRX (and there are still some emulation bugs left in NRX ie. Strikers 1945 slowdown,garbled text and missing music in some early Neo games like Ninja Combat & Commando,Mutation Nation,a bug in Fatal Fury 2 after the bonus round that makes the sprites disappear). On the other hand, other Neo Geo (although not entirely Neo-Geo) emus like Kawaks,Nebula,MAME are regularly updated and perhaps have the aforementioned bugs fixed.


Im not going to try to make this any more complicated,so what im basically saying is,out of all the Neo-Geo emus out there which one emulates the Neo most accurately? I dont care if its a system hog,as i am making major upgrades to my PC soon anyways which will surely accomadate to said emu. Im looking for the most accurate Neo experience possible and i just want to hear everyone's opiniions as too which is the best Neo-Geo emu cuz im tired of NRX and its specific romset rules (ROMS that are difficult to find too) and its bugs. Its lack of features and netplay kills it for me too :) So to sum this all up in one sentence, what is the best non-NRX Neo-Geo emu,and if there isnt such an emu is NRX still best? (Sorry if i sound like a newb but im not as i have decent knowledge of Neo-Geo emulation and emulation in general and have posted here many times before.) :-D *disappears*


MAME is most definitely the most updated and accurate emulator of neo-geo stuff out there.


NeoRAGEx definitely isn't the best, but it does the job and it's the easiest to use. MAME is the juggernaut it always has. Kawaks is the most know and widely used. FBA has just started with Neo-Geo emulation and Nebula requires some more MHzs than the others.


You can't ask which is the best Neo-Geo emulator, since it boils down to taste. This thread will turn into 20 pages of practically nothing if people start to debate about this further.


Personally I use Kawaks, Nebula and NRX. I dont like MAME purely coz ive had difficulties with it (yes im a bit of an idiot :-D ) but hey out of them all i prefer kawaks. But like Agozer said its depends on the person.


I use them all. Muahahaahaha!


I don't mind it at all since its no real hassle. Sure I would like to have one emulator to play them all, but I am way too lazy to convert all my NRXs to Kawaks and to make sure all the CRCs are the same.


They all have their pros and cons and it boils down to each persons preference.


Although I use Kawaks mostly, I still us NRX to play some of my roms that crap out in Kawaks since I'm also lazy to change the CRCs.

Posted (edited)

I like Mame, Final Burn Alpha, Kawaks Since i compile mame alot thats the one i use most.when i am at my parents i use my old AMD with FBA

But Mame is my fav cause it plays most of the classic games and works best for my neogeo roms :-D

Edited by james

i used to use NRX myself until neogeo support was added to FBA. i never returned since then (plus it made me discover that theres a lot more to play than neogeo - excellent shooters and other treasures).


it couldve been MAME if i have a fast enough PC as it is a lot more developed, but thats what i like most about FBA - it is a simplified MAME anyway you look at it, interface, supported games, etc. emulation is next to MAME level though.


and regarding the hardware requirements, it really isnt too stiff (a 266 Mhz PC should run everything decently to smoothly) though the vid card (TNT2 class) is really the one the makes to speed out of it.


nrx is an efficient emulator for neo geo roms....i use mame and some games just would not run.....its not a matter of which emu is the best....just make sure your rom is running smoothly on the prefered emu :-D:)

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