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person who is far supiror then everyone on this board.

You said it, not me.

You fail to understand the real world physics took into consideration when then made SOF. The knowledge in firearms and bullets are important to the "realism" factor of the game, I want to know if you have any know how in that field at all to bring this discussion into case. Other wise you are just another person who thinks their greater then everyone else.


Edit: You sir fail life kthx.

Edited by K`dash
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Capcom vs. SNK 2 when shin akuma and ultimate rugul where almost impossible to beat...well that and just about every snk and capcom fighting game...almost :-D

Those and mario 1. Man that game was hard. I still have yet to beat it. Man it sucks being at work right now. :)


King of Fighters 2003... I was pissed when it came out... Such hype before the release, i was soo excited to play it... only to find it it's possibly the worset Kof game ever =/....


Capcom vs. SNK 2


hehe... i got to hand it to SNK, Playmore (whatever)... It's the only gaming CO i've seen... were another company can takes their characters.. and make a better game with them =)


It seems some people can't accept change. Another person on another fourm made a big rant on why SNK sucked and how Capcom made SNK better. Load of BS is what I think. Worse KOF is 2001 to everyone else. 2003 is just different. Which some people refuse to accept(same like 1999-2001 games were).


ok games that pissed me off the most.......DRAGONBALL Z BUDOKAI!!!!! I EXPECTED SO MUCH BUT IT SUX!,All those F*$@%ing escort missions on Robotech Battlecry,Shin Akuma and Ultimate Rupaul (rugal) on CVS2,EVERY STINKING CHEAP @$$ BATTLE IN RAGE OF THE DRAGONS,and prolly the biggest was when i was like in kindergarten, i was so disappointed in the Power Rangers games for snes,they all sucked, i seriously cried after playing them,now i despise and loath them.And im not saying its not a REALLY good game but,Tekken 4 seriously disappointed me, me and my friends were expecting a new revolutionary Tekken,but Tag still pwns. ::snivel:: oh such painful memories XD






and did i mention TOTAL CARNAGE ALREADY? :-D

It seems some people can't accept change. Another person on another fourm made a big rant on why SNK sucked and how Capcom made SNK better. Load of BS is what I think. Worse KOF is 2001 to everyone else. 2003 is just different. Which some people refuse to accept(same like 1999-2001 games were).

in my opinion, all KOFs with the strikers sucked big donkey balls. 2002 was good, 2003 was badass in my opinion bc they finally did sumthin new, it was sorta a faster pace and i thought it was pretty entertaining when it first came out. i had to drive pretty far to a japanese arcade to play kof2003. so i think the hype did justice for me...


SVC:Chaos' shin akuma and serious mr. karate were impossible to beat. ive yet to beat those 2...so yes, it got me pissed haha :(

It seems some people can't accept change. Another person on another fourm made a big rant on why SNK sucked and how Capcom made SNK better. Load of BS is what I think. Worse KOF is 2001 to everyone else. 2003 is just different. Which some people refuse to accept(same like 1999-2001 games were).

I agreee with you here. It seems that people want the same thing over and over again with better graphics and when the developers finally have the balls to drastically change something, the "hardcore" fans start to biatch.

It seems some people can't accept change. Another person on another fourm made a big rant on why SNK sucked and how Capcom made SNK better. Load of BS is what I think. Worse KOF is 2001 to everyone else. 2003 is just different. Which some people refuse to accept(same like 1999-2001 games were).

I agreee with you here. It seems that people want the same thing over and over again with better graphics and when the developers finally have the balls to drastically change something, the "hardcore" fans start to biatch.

I'm not saying anything about the changes... I like the Tag-team system... some of the new music and character designs are good too...


Here are some of the problems i saw with kof2k3 which just made me think.... how can they be so damn lazy?


First of all... the new sprites they did, with the exception of Ash, were all horribly done... they had really low frame rate... poor yuri got screwed really bad.. and terry omg... his new sprites are ugly, and really rough... he doesn't even look like he belongs in the game.... and kim... one moment your standing or kicking and his sprites look incredible... next your moving and your back in 94... Kyo and Iori too... they are still Using most of there 94 sprites... just re-edited to look smoother or different (in kyos case). The thing that i don't understand.. There are more examples of this... like Yamakazi's delayed stance... i'm sure most of you have noticed these sudden enhances in animation on some character sprites.

The thing i don't understand is... why won't the publishers of this game take more time into, remaking the sprites on older characters, instead of just re-editing them... this isn't the first year where they have made new characters on a totaly different sprite lv... This started way back in 96 and 97... compare Mary, yamakazi, k, or any character made after 96 to any character made before 96... you will noticed a big change in graphic detail, frame rate and over all quality...

and kim... one moment your standing or kicking  and his sprites look incredible... next your moving and your back in 94...  Kyo and Iori too... they are still Using most of there 94 sprites... just re-edited to look smoother or different (in kyos case).

Those aren't new to KOF2003, those were in KOF2002.


But I agree with the rest of your post. :(

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