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I too am from Australia and one of my mates had an ST claiming that it was the bees knees of game machines - i went over to play it once and he loaded up Double Dragon.


Even though neither Amiga or ST ports of DD were anything close to the arcade version - the Amiga still stomped on the ST here.


There was no sign of the ST in Grace Bros really and i saw more Macs than i did ST's (with demo's of Prince of Persia going, cant believe i can still remember this crap!?)


But anyway i got myself the A500 with expanded memory and never looked back with Lemmings, Operation Stealth and Super Cars 2 - to me there was no other computer, even though friends had crappy PCs at that time im happy to say i got an A500 (and still do just my 1084 monitor blew a transformer :lol: ) god bless WinUAE!


Anyway my vote as you may already know is for the Amiga! :P

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