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Posted (edited)

i got the latest psm mag in which they got to play test the game and from what they say it still feels 2d but have 3d movements simalar to tekken/vf series (side-step attacks). also it will have the 4 four button setup just like the other kof's but also a shoulder button for taunts.


Texas yes its coming in to usa around september, import comes out july i believe

Edited by Prican25

Their showing off the game at e3 this year so expect some shots or possibly even video of the game.


omg! i dont know what to feel k' looks so damn good...............its a shame this has to go on ps2 since it graphics suck.....ill wait till ps 3

Young Geese Howard was the last boss in Art of Fighting 2.


There Rn't new charas after KoF 2k2 in KoF NeoWave, except the boss... Where's the creativity ?

This project is a between Noise Factory, SNK Playmore and Sammy. They took out the NEST Saga characters execpt Kula and replaced them with Shingo and Syshu.

Hey...if Noise Factory is helping develop this, then I'm pretty sure this will be good...they pulled off some great things on the Neo Geo MVS with Rage of the Dragons, Sengoku 3, and Power Instinct: Matrimelee (synching up song lyrics with the background animation...and they managed to pull off DEATH METAL and damn near perfect sound on such an old console...c'mon now? hope for the best!)

omg! i dont know what to feel k' looks so damn good...............its a shame this has to go on ps2 since it graphics suck.....ill wait till ps 3

graphics aren't everything man, if you can't over look that then you are seriously missing out on how great a game can be :D


still got 2 years for ps3 or even xbox 2 (unless the summer rumor sticks for 2005)

omg! i dont know what to feel k' looks so damn good...............its a shame this has to go on ps2 since it graphics suck.....ill wait till ps 3

PS2 hasn't even hit it's graphical limits yet. While there are graphic intensive games, nothing has done enough to utilise the full power of the system.


What is that big round thing hanging at the "tail" of Mai?

Is it suppose to set off fire or something?

What is that big round thing hanging at the "tail" of Mai?

Is it suppose to set off fire or something?

who knows what its there for...sometimes she had two of them...it depends on what game you're playing that has her in it...

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