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The Nintendo Press Conference From Ed's View.

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I still think GC is for kids :(

Can't think of much mature-thinking games for GC other than RE series,

or PSO or...err...see, I can't think of any other games!!

I rather buy PS2 (which I already has) or....*cough* XBox (considering this one. Anyone can convince me?)

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After seeing Xbox's Press Conference from IGN. I want to get an Xbox, just for Xbox Live. Live it self is worth the Xbox.

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After seeing Xbox's Press Conference from IGN. I want to get an Xbox, just for Xbox Live. Live it self is worth the Xbox.

Alot of people say it's not worth it, well the bootleggers and stuff anyways.


Anyways, about the GC, some of the games look stupid but the games are really fun like Metroid Prime<---Damn thats a fun FPS. Pikman is really fun as well, you can really get into it if you like RTS. Well i only got mike cuz of those games, i dont know any other good ones, oh yeah bloody roar: primal fury is supposed to be the best Bloody roar graphics wise and playability. Well i cant remember any other good ones. That remake of MGS sux bigtime, dont get it.

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I've just seen the Nintendo Conference video and I must say. The DS looks stunning. It has the width of the GBA and thickness of the GBASP.


Edit: Downloading the 455 meg Sony Conference right now. Fscking big file.

Edited by K`dash
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I have a few reasons for bying a GC....


Metroid Prime

That Zelda collection

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

and...The new Zelda for GC


Back on topic, I don't think I'm going to buy handhelds anymore, I'll just stick to consoles. Unless the PSP blows me away with something unexpected.

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