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yay lowrider bikes in GTA, just what I always wanted!!!!11!1oneoneone[/sARCASM]

the rumored 60's vegas story woulda been better.


I rather not!! Imagine riding in a 60's car listening to the radio while u go about killing people with your tommy gun. *shudder*

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  L.S.D said:
yay lowrider bikes in GTA, just what I always wanted!!!!11!1oneoneone[/sARCASM]

the rumored 60's vegas story woulda been better.


I rather not!! Imagine riding in a 60's car listening to the radio while u go about killing people with your tommy gun. *shudder*

exactly. it sounds cooler to me then cruizin and impala with an uzi and a jerry curl

  random guy said:
Don't knock the dirt-bike! I can't wait to take that out for a spin!

wha!? the dirt bike is in vice city. I am talking about the retarded low rider bicycle.

  garageink said:
  random guy said:
Don't knock the dirt-bike! I can't wait to take that out for a spin!

wha!? the dirt bike is in vice city. I am talking about the retarded low rider bicycle.

I remember once during a Habitat for Humanity build we saw this low rider bicycle with coke cans in its spokes. It was so flocking ghetto and hilarious. We didn't dare yell out anything or we might have been shot, we were in a rough neighborhood. :P

  GryphonKlaw said:
  garageink said:
  random guy said:
Don't knock the dirt-bike! I can't wait to take that out for a spin!

wha!? the dirt bike is in vice city. I am talking about the retarded low rider bicycle.

I remember once during a Habitat for Humanity build we saw this low rider bicycle with coke cans in its spokes. It was so flocking ghetto and hilarious. We didn't dare yell out anything or we might have been shot, we were in a rough neighborhood. :D

Of all places :P

  GryphonKlaw said:
  garageink said:
  random guy said:
Don't knock the dirt-bike! I can't wait to take that out for a spin!

wha!? the dirt bike is in vice city. I am talking about the retarded low rider bicycle.

I remember once during a Habitat for Humanity build we saw this low rider bicycle with coke cans in its spokes. It was so flocking ghetto and hilarious. We didn't dare yell out anything or we might have been shot, we were in a rough neighborhood. :D

there used to be this kid in high school who had a ghetto lowrider trike. and in the basket between the back wheels he had a crappy radio shack boom box duck taped in there. flocking hilarious ;) cruizin around bumpin young mc and jazzy jeff and the fresh prince!! he was hard core :P


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Now thats hardcore

  garageink said:
  random guy said:
Don't knock the dirt-bike! I can't wait to take that out for a spin!

wha!? the dirt bike is in vice city. I am talking about the retarded low rider bicycle.

No, there were only motorcycles in VC. I was talking about the bicycle (we sometimes call BMX bikes 'dirt bikes'


I haven't even finished Vice Cirty yet....but I'm going to dig San Andreads for sure.


*Punches K`dash in the face*


Get that scary monster off my screen. Or use code tags.

Posted (edited)

this is pretty cool. an urban hip hop community type thing this time. im sure the next one will cover another criminal genre. maybe a hong kong triad game where everyone rolls with over 100 heads and punk kids on the streets carry bats and swords haha. even tho GTA already had a lil triad action. but this time, the whole game with casino extortions, and hookers haha. ((refering to the hong kong triad franchise "the young and dangerous)). now that would be somethin...


but this one looks pretty kool. im sure the soundtrack will be kickass jus like VC. maybe some 90's gangster hiphop...not todays mainstream hiphop..its jus crap. sorrie haha

Edited by BoomBa_GoosE

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