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We can safely say this: If a video game requires hardware that is not readily accessible by both discontinuation on the manufacturer's part and through resellers, then the game is exempt from the DMCA.


probably.. the DMCA is a for profit business, and if busting you for that copy of "Carnival" you have on your harddrive isnt going to get them paid, they probably wont.


However I do believe that this won't count in Blah's case, considering they have games for systems that are readily available. Along with most emulation sites, it is all still illegal.




Selling vs Giving away is not a consideration, the DMCA only looks at the infringement, not circumstances behind it.


Also true. its just the profiteers are higher on their list of targets.

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The way I consider the way the DMCA was wirtten is as shotty like chinese characters on wet paper.

agreed. it is poorly written legislation, full of loopholes, both for and against the DMCA watchdogs.


Nintendo seems to be the only gaming company determined to shut down any usage of their games. Most of the arcade developers don't care (if they're around), some older sega programmers actually like emulation, and Sony/M$ don't seem to take more than rudimentary steps to stop anything.


Don't get me started on the monopoly toilet paper called the DMCA. I understand that some parts are necessary, but in it's current form overbearing abuse can be interpreted.


Here's a quote I made a while ago on N.

Nintendo is very controlling on what can and cannot be done with their systems and games. On one hand, it's greed. On the other hand, it's good quality control. N has shown countless times the effort they go into to prevent unauthorized usage of any part of what they produce; suing 3rd parties for producing "unauthorized" games, suing Game Genie for making an add-on, making the hideous mistake of using cartridges over CDs for the N64, using the more obscure and highly encrypted DVD system now, etc...


This heavy control over anything might seem stifling, but also remember that most games produced by and for Nintendo seem to be top-notch compared to the half-and-half for any other system. But seeing this control leads me to believe that Nintendo will never use emulation or ROMs, simply because they know they would not have full control.


Nintendo is very know for it's obsessive (some people call it paranoia) behavior towards protecting their games and hardware from this so-called misuse.


I just want to say sorry if anyone was afended. I'm a member at both sites and get their opnion on the subject. I didn't want them to come over here and Rant and spam.

********* on that link paul gives his reasons if you care. However once again I'm sorry and hope you don't shun me in the future if i still need help thank you.



gomen nasai. <_<


I would like to say that we wern't bashing Blah like Gamecop said. If it were like that, the results would be more terrible.

I would like to say that we wern't bashing Blah like Gamecop said. If it were like that, the results would be more terrible.

Yeah, when we bash, we BASH. No don't worry Junishin, no one of were afended. <_<


And apparantly none of them noticed by retraction of the 30 bucks a month thing...

I just want to say sorry if anyone was afended. I'm a member at both sites and get their opnion on the subject. I didn't want them to come over here and Rant and spam.

************** on that link paul gives his reasons if you care. However once again I'm sorry and hope you don't shun me in the future if i still need help thank you.



gomen nasai. :(

Don't worry about it man, we talked to one of the staff member's at Blah and we got it all settled out. Quite frankly we didn't call it spamming, just discussion, which I honestly thought was fine. The only thing that irritated me was that you said "bashing Blah on another board", we weren't bashing you guys, just posting our thoughts about one thing on the site which we even gave ideas to them to help fix in the future. Apology Accepted. <_>


Anyways, here is Paul's response, I was going to post this yesterday, but was too tired to respond to it.


This comes up every once in a while. I don't know why, but it does. And most of the people on that board have no idea what they're talking about, and of the dozens of assumptions made about this site and the way it's run, only a few are true.



Here's the donation situation:


User donates a one-time (not monthly) donation of $30. This goes to pay monthly server fees, until they are paid, and the balance (if there even is one, which is rare) goes into the company bank account. Yes, the company account. Edge Emulation, Inc. is incorporated in the state of Florida, and is a seperate entity from Blah the website. Out of this company account come all business expenses, including pay. We hardly rake in profits. I'm a typical poor high school senior driving my parent's car and barely enough money to pay for gas. Other expenses include the servers mentioned on ******* (the ones we use for hosting), office expenses (rent, phone, fax, etc), and the ever-increasing fees (CPA, lawyer, etc.)


Simply put, we are your standard business, with an emulation site as one facet of the company. No different than Disney owning the ABC network, or AOL/TW and Viacom owning a little bit of everything. Diversity, in business situations, is a benefit.


So what other business ventures do we have? Web hosting, for one. Also, don't want to give out too many details, but Peter's got a retail store in the works right now, and that's our main focus. We're also planning on affiliation with a friend's company to do local computer repair / business computing solutions in our areas.


Why did I post this? It's not to justify myself to these naysayers. As a corporate entity, I could care less what people assume about our business practices. As a person, I feel that if donors who have donated are concerned as to where their money is going, they have a right to know.


What dissapoints me is that, my thoughts were basically correct. The money isn't just going to Blah, but the entire business, which means other sites that are note even emulation. He also didn't talk about the paying of roms which I thought was imperative for him to talk about, but of course he didn't. Post your thoughts here, I may post some more when I can free my mind since I ain't feeling so well today (got a runny nose).


You want to know what I think. STFU on both sides....


Seriously, If you're stupid enough to pay for isos and not look for them yourself....

You want to know what I think. STFU on both sides....


Seriously, If you're stupid enough to pay for isos and not look for them yourself....

Take it easy, I think you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, Disoblige.

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