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Oh come on, have we even gotten even for 9-11 yet (in terms of people killed). I suggest we drop a few nukes, call it a day, and fire Bush.

No, thats TOO EASY.

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Oh come on, have we even gotten even for 9-11 yet (in terms of people killed). I suggest we drop a few nukes, call it a day, and fire Bush.

Dammit, that is the problem with you Americans (and that answers your question, cominus). Let me spell it out for you really slowly: NEITHER IRAQ, NOR SADDAM HUSSEIN, HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH 9/11! For that matter, neither did the country Afghanistan, apart from hiding bin Laden after the event. In fact, Saddam and bin Laden hated each other (that is, until the US started attacking Iraq, I think that changed Hussein's mind a bit. al Qaeda is a terrorist organisation which belongs to no country. Got that? IF there were Iraqis working for al Qaeda, it would have been because people from alot of countries were members of al Qaeda. Honestly, when Timothy McVeigh orchestrated the Oklahoma bombing, Americans didn't go on a witch hunt for every white guy, or every christian, they could find. That's because they realised that McVeigh's actions were not represenetative of the (white) people of America - just like bin Laden's actions weren't typical of the average muslim in Afghanistan, or for that matter, the average Muslim: because that's what this has turned into: the west against (middle eastern) muslims. And that's a disguisting generalisation

Oh come on, have we even gotten even for 9-11 yet (in terms of people killed). I suggest we drop a few nukes, call it a day, and fire Bush.

Dammit, that is the problem with you Americans (and that answers your question, cominus). Let me spell it out for you really slowly: NEITHER IRAQ, NOR SADDAM HUSSEIN, HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH 9/11! For that matter, neither did the country Afghanistan, apart from hiding bin Laden after the event. In fact, Saddam and bin Laden hated each other (that is, until the US started attacking Iraq, I think that changed Hussein's mind a bit. al Qaeda is a terrorist organisation which belongs to no country. Got that? IF there were Iraqis working for al Qaeda, it would have been because people from alot of countries were members of al Qaeda. Honestly, when Timothy McVeigh orchestrated the Oklahoma bombing, Americans didn't go on a witch hunt for every white guy, or every christian, they could find. That's because they realised that McVeigh's actions were not represenetative of the (white) people of America - just like bin Laden's actions weren't typical of the average muslim in Afghanistan, or for that matter, the average Muslim: because that's what this has turned into: the west against (middle eastern) muslims. And that's a disguisting generalisation

Well, just so we don't miss anything, that's why I said a "few" nukes. One would probably take care of it, but 2, now that's just making sure. :lol:


Dude, your thinking is just flocked up. Let me put it in terms you'll understand: imagine if someone from Texas blew up a building in California, and the Californians retaliated by invading Arizona!

Now, does that make any sense to you?

Dude, your thinking is just flocked up. Let me put it in terms you'll understand: imagine if someone from Texas blew up a building in California, and the Californians retaliated by invading Arizona!

Now, does that make any sense to you?

Bomb shitake mushrooms, one state at a time. Of course they're not going to witch hunt every white guy! HELLO! Bush=President=Bomber of shitake mushrooms. Sure it's easy to criticse somebody when it's not you, but when it is you what do you do? You take every mofo you can find and beat thier azz. I dont know how they do it in the up over, but here in the O.C. Of America we kick Nikkas azzes.

Dude, your thinking is just flocked up. Let me put it in terms you'll understand: imagine if someone from Texas blew up a building in California, and the Californians retaliated by invading Arizona!

Now, does that make any sense to you?

Bomb shitake mushrooms, one state at a time. Of course they're not going to witch hunt every white guy! HELLO! Bush=President=Bomber of shitake mushrooms. Sure it's easy to criticse somebody when it's not you, but when it is you what do you do? You take every mofo you can find and beat thier azz. I dont know how they do it in the up over, but here in the O.C. Of America we kick Nikkas azzes.

What exactly do you mean? I'm confused :lol:

Dude, your thinking is just flocked up. Let me put it in terms you'll understand: imagine if someone from Texas blew up a building in California, and the Californians retaliated by invading Arizona!

Now, does that make any sense to you?

Oh, I understand what you're saying. I agree with it too. But if these news braodcast's of American soldiers keep happening, if a nuke or 2 are dropped, I hope I see the flash from cali.

Dude, your thinking is just flocked up. Let me put it in terms you'll understand: imagine if someone from Texas blew up a building in California, and the Californians retaliated by invading Arizona!

Now, does that make any sense to you?

Bomb shitake mushrooms, one state at a time. Of course they're not going to witch hunt every white guy! HELLO! Bush=President=Bomber of shitake mushrooms. Sure it's easy to criticse somebody when it's not you, but when it is you what do you do? You take every mofo you can find and beat thier azz. I dont know how they do it in the up over, but here in the O.C. Of America we kick Nikkas azzes.

Never talk gangsta again. It frightens me. Although this maybe payback for goatse AND tubgirl.


mr.random guy is correct. That Iraq and Saddam never had to do anything with 9/11. Afganistan is just a hiding place for Al Qaeda.


Honestly, when Timothy McVeigh orchestrated the Oklahoma bombing
Thats questionable. He could of been persuaded to do it. You know how America likes a good war now and then right? Be it their own or others?
Dude, your thinking is just flocked up. Let me put it in terms you'll understand: imagine if someone from Texas blew up a building in California, and the Californians retaliated by invading Arizona!

Now, does that make any sense to you?

Oh, I understand what you're saying. I agree with it too. But if these news braodcast's of American soldiers keep happening, if a nuke or 2 are dropped, I hope I see the flash from cali.

Why the hell should Iraq be nuked because its people are being tortured by the Americans?

Posted (edited)

Hey Random Guy, you need to cool it with that "you americans" bullshit. Everyone here in Cali have different opinions about terrorism, the war, and Bush(whom a lot of us dislike). I'm sure everyone in Australia have mixed reactions to whatever goes on in your country, so don't even start thinkin' everyone here wants war and bloodshed. I'm mexican and my half-brother is white and so are my nephews and I don't discriminate against them or anyone else's country or ethnicity so don't be thinkin' we're all a bunch a$$holes either.....So have a nice day okay :lol: !

Edited by BuRRdRinkA

Yeah, you've got me there burr... sometimes I think I'm racist towards Americans. Let me qualify that by saying, I don't hate Americans, but although I try very hard not to think in stereotypes (to me, that's a form of racism), I often think stereotypicially of Americans. It's just that all the news coming out of the US is so negative. Obviously you guys can't see how America is portrayed to the rest of the world, but let me say, it's a very negative image (to me anyway).

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