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I got mod chips in my store, cheaper than you'll get em anywhere else. And I just got 90 CR2032 batteries in stock, perfect for your Saturn or a Dreamcast VMU (2 for $1.99! Take that Radio Shack! :lol: )


WTF? I wish I had your luck finding consoles in the trash....Although I did find an ActRaiser SNES cart in a bush not far from where I live.


i miss my sega saturn. i was the only one in this neighborhood, probably the city, to own a sega saturn. everyone went ga-ga over the new sony playstation, but me, nah-uh, sega to the bone. and when i got x-men vs street fighter when ps couldnt handle it (no tag-team), HA IN YOUR FACE PLAYSTATION OWENERS haha. :unsure: anyways, it wasnt that bad....game selections? bad, but the system itself, not bad....but capcom sure loved the saturn tho... :unsure:


I got my saturn from a trade. I think it was 15 BURNT dreamcast games for a Saturn and 8-9 Retail Saturn games. I later traded those retail games for the 5 in 1 cart, arcade stick and like 150 backups. The guy sent me a modded saturn also for the one I had. He even threw in an Xtendor Mod chip for the XBOX (at the time it was one of the newer chips available.) after that its pretty much history.



Shiba!!! If you find any NEOGEO stuff let me know.

Shiba!!! If you find any NEOGEO stuff let me know.

I think anyone that actually owns anything NeoGeo would know its something that shouldn't be thrown away.


What kind of person throws away a gaming system...atleast bring it into a pawn shop and get like a buck for it.


Shibathedog if you ever find a cheap Saturn (Model 2 :lol:) then do you mind getting it for me :)


My Saturn broke down recently and I miss it....anyways, just let us know about the shipping costs etc :lol:


and DAMN you got some great finds....

Shibathedog if you ever find a cheap Saturn (Model 2 :lol:) then do you mind getting it for me :)


My Saturn broke down recently and I miss it....anyways, just let us know about the shipping costs etc :lol:


and DAMN you got some great finds....

I guess this marks the return of ForceX.

Shibathedog if you ever find a cheap Saturn (Model 2 :rolleyes:) then do you mind getting it for me :)


My Saturn broke down recently and I miss it....anyways, just let us know about the shipping costs etc :D


and DAMN you got some great finds....

I guess this marks the return of ForceX.

I guess it does :D

Shiba!!! If you find any NEOGEO stuff let me know.

I think anyone that actually owns anything NeoGeo would know its something that shouldn't be thrown away.


What kind of person throws away a gaming system...atleast bring it into a pawn shop and get like a buck for it.



I found Fatal Fury Special at E Z Pawn for 20 bucks some years back. So the idiots are out there.

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