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Posted (edited)

Please post all games that have been compatible for you and their speeds. Of course also if they are playable and any other nuisances that may be found.


We will then gather a list up in this first post. So start posting!


You can find the Chankast DreamCast Emulator for Download @ This Link!



Someone on Direct Connect just made this and send it to me. If anyone from any site does not want their compatiblity reviews from their site or the user, please PM me and I'll remove it ASAP.

Press (CTRL + F) to search for a game!


---> Current Games Listed: 164

    90 Minutes - Does NOT Work, Error I/OR
    102 Dalmations - Does NOT Work, Hangs, Intro Works
    Action Reply CDX - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Aerowings 2 - Airstrike - Gets ingame and then chanka crashes
    Alien Front Line - Does Not Work, black Screen and returns to the BIOS
    Alone in the Dark - Can't enter main menu (Freezes after intros) - Capcom_Hack
    Alone in the Dark - Does NOT Work, (just hangs at the intro screen)
    Arabian Nights - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Army Men: Sarge'S Heroes - Does NOT Work, asks that you change the cable
    Blaze MP3 Player - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    BleemCast Blue Beta - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Blue Stinger: Hangs up after intro.
    Bomberman Online - Does NOT Work, Black Screen
    Border Down - Functions almost perfect, minor graphical glitches
    Buzz Light Year- Does NOT Work, Black Screen
    Cannon Spike - Works, Functions perfect, some errors in textures/menues
    Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Near perfect some graphical errors if is used the version optimized of Capcom
    Carrier - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Charge N' Blast - Functions perfect, but lacks sound effects
    Coaster Works - Nearly perfect
    Code Breaker - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Confidential Mission - Playable but glitchy,good speed though.
    Cosmic Smash - Functions perfect
    Crazy Taxi - Works, No Additional Information
    Crazy Taxi 2 - Works, graphical glitches
    Dave Mirra Free Style BMX - Works, minor graphical glitches
    Daytona USA 2001 - Works, but many texture errors and minor graphical glitches
    Demolition Racer - Exit doesn't function right, there are problems with the textures and graphics
    Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore (NTSC/J) - Hangs after boot
    Dead or Alive 2 LE - Does NOT Work, Hangs after boot
    Despiria - Asks that you change the cable
    Dino Crisis - Asks that you change the cable
    Dragonriders of Pern - Works, Use capcom_hack
    DreamPassPort 3 - Works?, 3 Functions Available
    DreamSpectrum - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Dynamite Cop - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Evil Dead: Hail to the King - Does NOT Work, Asks that you change the cable
    Evo 4X4 - Does NOT Work, Error MMU
    F1 World GP 2 - Menus completely black, can't enter game
    Feet of Fury - Does NOT Work, Hangs after load screen
    Fighting Vipers - Works, No Additional Information
    Fighting Vipers 2 - Some errors in textures and music problems
    Fire Pro Wrestling D: Works, but FPS is around 20.
    Floigan Bros. - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Frame Gride - Works, No Additional Information
    Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge - Works perfect
    GameShark CDX - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Garou: Mark of the Wolves - Failed, error message when executing.
    Gauntlet Legends - Does NOT Work, it will boot up and get past the sega screen but then the screen goes black and crashes the Chankast exe file
    Giga Wing 2 - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Grandia 2 - Does NOT Work, (just hangs at the intro screen)
    Guilty Gear X - (slow meus no bg music )
    Guilty Gear X (NTSC/J) - Works. Some bad graphical glitches, essentialy making it unplayable. (Some glitches around characters)
    Gunbird 2 - Does NOT Work, asks that you change the cable
    Gundam [JAP] (What's the full name of this?) - Loads, but can't enter game
    Gundam: Renpou vs Zeon DX (NTSC/J) - Works. Some 2d graphics problems
    Half life - Does NOT Work, MMU Error
    Head Hunter - Functions perfect, no problems
    Heavy Metal Geomatrix - Menus completely black, can't enter game.. if use new gfx it will work, but minor graphical errors
    House of the Dead 2 Jap - Does NOT Work, (Hangs)
    House of the Dead 2 - Works, try new gfx
    Hydro Thunder - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Ikaruga - Works, had some control issues but the music and sound effects are in sync,although it stutters a bit. all versions of Chanka - 95% GFX - 100% SOUND
    Incoming - Works, No Additional Information
    Jet Grind Radio - Works, a few graphics problems
    King Of Fighters 2000 (NTSC/J) - better with ChankastAlpha01_newgfx - 50% GFX(partial display) - 100% SOUND
    King Of Fighters 2001 - Works, some graphics problems and slowness here and there
    King Of Fighters 2002 - Works, some graphics problems and slowness here and there
    Lemans 24 Hours - Does NOT Work, Hangs
    Linux DC - Does NOT Work, takes you to the command screen
    Looney Tunes: Space Race - Works, but only went in game 1/10 times (characters are solid yellow)
    Macross M3 - Does NOT Work, Black Screen
    Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX - Does NOT Work, hangs at intro
    Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 - Does NOT Work, ioControl error box | Works with CapcomHack, NewGFX?, some minor graphical problems
    Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Vol.2 - Does NOT Work, MMU Error
    Milk - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Metropolis Street Racer - Works, some menu errors
    MDK 2 - Works? [iSO]
    Mortal Kombat Gold v1.1 - Does NOT Work, Asks that you change the cable
    Mr Driller - Boots, gets ingame, but unplayable due to missing 2D GFX
    Musapey's Choko Marker - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    My Tennis Life - Works, No Additional Information
    NCAA 2k2 - Resets on entering menu (Does play video)
    NetBSD - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Net of Tennis - Does NOT Work, Asks that you change the cable
    Ooga Booga - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    OutTrigger - Does NOT Work, MMU Error
    Penpen Triicelon - Does NOT Work, Black Screen
    Power Stone 2 - Works perfect, some graphical errors.
    Propeller Arena - Does NOT Work, MMU Error
    Project Justice - albeit with stutters.Looks uber crisp, best with chankast_alpha_capcom_hack - 99% GFX (few errors) - 50% SOUND (No music at all)
    Phantasy Star Online - Works (some graphics problems), You can load up AND play PSO properly. What you do is go into the bios and into the memory card settings. From there you can do a full wipe of the memory VMU (basically resetting it). You could then play PSO. In order to get into PSO easier without those gfx glitches giving you a headache, you can try running it in the capcom_hack version of the Chankast exe. It doesnt solve all of them, but it helps you get past the part where you have to enter your name and stuff as you can actually see the in-game keyboard.
    IMAGE --> http://free.one.picturehost.co.uk/pso.JPG
    Psyvariar 2 - Works perfect, some graphical errors.
    Puyo Puyo Fever - Works perfect, No Additional Information
    Quake Arena - Does NOT Work, hangs on intro
    Quiz Oh! My Goddess - Works perfect, No Additional Information
    Raptors - Does not work MMU Error
    Rayman 2 - Does NOT Work, asks to change the cable
    Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 - Euro is playable, without sound (in game, although im using a onbaord sound card at the moment) and graphics are glitchy.
    Rippin' Riders - Works perfect? Also reported as Does NOT Work (did not boot), Try it with and without the GFX version of Chankast.
    Rival Schools - Works perfect, No Additional Information
    Record of Lodoss War - Works perfect, No Additional Information
    Red Dog - Works perfect, sound problems
    Rent a Hero No.1 - Functions perfect, some graphic problems
    Resident Evil Code Veronica (NTSC/U) - best with chankast_alpha_capcom_hack - 100% GFX - 100% SOUND - nearly 100% with full speed
    Resident Evil 2 - Does NOT Work, MMU Error
    Resident Evil 3 - Does NOT Work, Returns to the Bios
    REZ - Works, No Additional Information
    Rune Caster - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Samba De Amigo - Works, No Additional Information
    Samba De Amigo Version 2000 - Does Not Work, graphical errors which won't allow you to play
    Sega GT Euro Edition - Does NOT Work, black screen
    Sega Sports: NBA 2k2 - Does NOT Work, returns to bios
    Sega Sports: NFL 2k2 - Does NOT Work, returns to bios
    Sega Sports: Tennis 2k2 - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Sega Tetris - works - small graphical errors & sound clipping
    Shenmue - Does NOT Work, no boot with all version - ?? SOUND
    Shenmue (NTSC/U) - Doesn't load.
    Shenmue 2 - Does NOT Work, Euro version was tried
    Silent Scope - Playable but the target cursor is messed up. Speed is perfect though.
    Skies of Arcadia - Does NOT Work, (not compatible with Vga monitors)
    Skies of Arcadia (NTSC/U) - Doesn't support VGA cable.
    Slave Zero - Does NOT Work, returns to bios
    Snow Surfers - Functions well, but some texures are seen badly and the sounds are heard badly as well at times
    Soldier of Fortune - Does NOT Work, black screen
    Sonic Adventure - Works, No Additional Information
    Sonic Adventure 2 - Works good enough, some texture errors
    Sonic Heros (NTSC/U) - best with chankast_alpha_capcom_hack - 90% GFX (comes & goes & some text missing or faded) - 100% SOUND (track for knuckles own!)
    Sonic Shuffle - Does NOT Work, hangs at intro
    Soul Calibur - Does NOT Work, asks that you change the cable
    Soul Reaver - Does NOT Work, asks that you change the cable
    Space Channel 5 Part 2 - (loads but wont display gfx in game), Error MMU?
    Spirit of Speed 1937 - Does NOT Work, Error MMU
    Star Wars Demolition (NTSC/U) - bootable with all but chankast_alpha_capcom_hack shows proper texts but crashes - ?? GFX - 100% SOUND
    Star Wars Ep 1 RACER (NTSC/U) - Loads up. Into plays, hangs before main menu
    Street fighter 3rd stike (NTSC/U) - Actually works about 70%, I get 90fps on regular menu screens etc. and when in fighting starts it ranges from 28-50fps on my 3.06ghz P4 with Radeon 9800 pro, theres some parts where it pauses for some reason and square patterns all over the 2d objects and some 2d objects have wrong priority, like backgrounds actually going OVER the fighters instead of being behind of them, and its extremely hard to get a rolling motion, like hadoken, seems it doesnt support those types of fast motions yet. Still amazing work, its too bad we couldnt get the CPS3 version but at least we have the dreamcast one!
    Street Fighter Alpha 3 - (Various GFX bugs, menu missing) - Capcom_Hack
    Stunt GP - Works, but has some pretty bad graphical errors, sound doesn't work in the menus, but sound works so-so in game.
    Super Magnetic Neo - Works, some graphical glitches
    Super Puzzle Fighter 2x - Works perfect, some graphical glitches
    Super Runabout - Does NOT Work, Error MMU
    Super Street Fighter 2x - Works, No Backgrounds
    Sword of the Berserk - Guts Rage (NTSC/U) - Works (minor glitches in 2d)
    Sword of the Beserk - Some GFX glitches
    Tee off Golf - Does NOT Work, Error MMU
    Tokyo Bus Guide - Works with some errors in the menu's
    Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 - Works, Hit enter until menu in order to avoid IO errors
    Trick Style - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Unreal Tournament - Works with some graphical failures
    Urban Chaos - Does NOT Work, Error MMU
    Utopia Boot Disc - Does NOT Work, You can't swap discs
    Vampire Chronicles: Works at a steady 50 fps
    Vanishing Point - Does NOT Work, black screen
    Virtual Athlete 2000 - Works, with some graphical errors
    Virtual Fighter 3TB - Does NOT Work, does not start
    Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Vitual Athletics - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    VRally 2 - Works with NEWGFX and the original well, some graphical problems
    Web Browser 2.6 - Does NOT Work, No Additional Information
    Worms World Party - Does NOT Work, Error MMU
    Zero Gunner 2 - Works perfect, some failures in the menu's and in other textures
    Zombie Revenge - Works, No Additional Information
    Credits: Kane-Sama, Phire, yardguy00, Siobhan, Shams,
    iq_132, Badzou, CsWolfwood, Tsunami_Bomb3r, Sylint,
    IJTF_Cinder, crazy2001, and Sultan
    Special Thanks To: GryphonKlaw (for putting it in alphabetical order)
    + http://arcadeathome.com/forums/
    + http://bbs.romshare.net
    + http://emuforums.com
    + http://www.dreamparty.gratishost.com/


Edited by GameCop
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I just had to update the list again, he added some more. :angry:


Super Update - 5/30/04!!


+ List Updated (a ton more games have been added)

+ Now in Alphabetical Order


Enjoy!! :angry:




Added => Mr Driller - Boots, gets ingame, but unplayable due to missing 2D GFX


Credits: Tsunami_Bomb3r




We fixed the information for Phantasy Star Online..

Phantasy Star Online - Works (some graphics problems), You can load up AND play PSO properly. What you do is go into the bios and into the memory card settings. From there you can do a full wipe of the memory VMU (basically resetting it). You could then play PSO.

Credits to: Sylint


Fixed spelling mistake. Phantasy Start Online is a horrible insult to such a well known game - IJTF_Cinder


Why is it a horrible insult? - GameCop




We added a crucial detail for playing PSO...


Phantasy Star Online - Works (some graphics problems), You can load up AND play PSO properly. What you do is go into the bios and into the memory card settings. From there you can do a full wipe of the memory VMU (basically resetting it). You could then play PSO. In order to get into PSO easier without those gfx glitches giving you a headache, you can try running it in the capcom_hack version of the Chankast exe. It doesnt solve all of them, but it helps you get past the part where you have to enter your name and stuff as you can actually see the in-game keyboard.


Credits To: Sylint

Posted (edited)

Add:Silent Scope-Playable but the target cursor is messed up.

Speed is perfect though.


Garou:MOTW -Failed,error message when executing.

Edited by Siobhan
Add:Silent Scope-Playable but the target cursor is messed up.

Speed is perfect though.


Garou:MOTW -Failed,error message when executing.

Thank you for the contribution, it is now added. :P




Gauntlet Legends - Does NOT Work, it will boot up and get past the sega screen but then the screen goes black and crashes the Chankast exe file

Credits To: Sylint


Stunt GP works, but has some pretty bad graphical errors, sound doesn't work in the menus, but sound works so-so in game.


Headhunter (Which you already have up there) works perfectly fine for me, no sound problems unlike what is stated.

Stunt GP works, but has some pretty bad graphical errors, sound doesn't work in the menus, but sound works so-so in game.


Headhunter (Which you already have up there) works perfectly fine for me, no sound problems unlike what is stated.

Added & Fixed, thank you. :)

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