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my cousin went off the island for a week and left is router along with his laptop and me ever having my own pc can i do anything with my xbox thru these stuff ?


i live in the bahamas and came across only 1 store modding xbox for $99.00 dollars.i was surpose 2 find out the mod-chips name to see what all it can do by reading across the internet,anyway i have 007 the right name used for the exploit trick but no memory card.

do i need a memory card?

if so will the exploit thing work as if my xbox had a mod-chip and is it easy do do?


i like xbox and i have alot of paid for games,but its costing so much to have fun these days so sorry for all this writing but can anyone please help me out on my questions.


$99 is kind of steep. I got mine modded for $65 becuase I didnt know what to do but when I saw him do it it was a sinche. I would say go for the alladin chip which is very simple to install and flash the bios and other stuff. It's best if you go to xbox-scene.com since they're like the best when is comes to modding and all that kind of stuff.


:(:lol::lol::lol: Ok good questions... here do this for me go get a cheap Chameleon Xbox mod chip I payed 30 bucks... then get a big ass HDD in your xbox pop slayers 1.5 or 2.0 something in... and then FTP your games to your xbox... faster loading times.... and saves money on dvd-rs and all that bull crap well I know I didnt answer your question but thats what everyone who is thinking about modding an xbox should do its cheap... the only thing else you need is a FTP program and a cross over cable...the cable can be bought on ebay for about a 2.50 so good luck


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