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Bush Keeps Saddam Gun At White House


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Bush Keeps Saddam Gun at White House


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A handgun that Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) was clutching when U.S. forces captured him in a hole in Iraq (news - web sites) last December is now kept by President Bush (news - web sites) at the White House, a spokesman confirmed on Sunday.


Time magazine, which first disclosed the gun's location, said military officials had it mounted after it was seized from Saddam near his hometown of Tikrit last year, and soldiers involved in the capture gave it to Bush.


The magazine quoted a visitor who had been shown the gun, which is kept in a small study off the Oval Office where Bush displays memorabilia. It is the same room where former President Bill Clinton (news - web sites) had some of his encounters with former intern Monica Lewinsky.


Bush shows Saddam's gun to select visitors, telling them it is unloaded, both now and when Saddam was captured, Time reported.


"He really liked showing it off," Time quoted a visitor as saying. "He was really proud of it."


White House spokesman Jim Morrell said, "The president was proud of the performance and bravery of our armed forces and was honored to receive it on behalf of the troops involved in the operation."


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Awwww....widdle bush has a weal-live gun to play with! :lol: I bet his face just lit up when it was given to him - And I'll bet he's been playing 'cowboys and injuns' in the white house with it!

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Now he can show it off to all his exclusive corporate buddies when they stay in the Lincoln Room.


"Look fellas! I sacrificed 800+ lives for this and boy was it worth it!"

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Stolen from the Rude Pundit



And What About Those Other Little Firearm Laws?


Exactly how may laws, federal and D.C., might the President be breaking with his possession of that firearm? Did he receive a background check for the transfer of ownership? Is Bush licensed to possess a firearm in a federal facility ? The District of Columbia prohibits firearms to be gifts . How many people are implicated in Bush's firearm possession?


And, of course, ignorance of the law does not excuse the potential crimes.

// posted by Rude One @ 10:42 AM

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I think it's a good thing that the Oval Office gets more memorabilia. What Bush does with it behind closed doors is not my business.

but what Clinton did behind desks was Kenneth Star's business, right?

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I think it's a good thing that the Oval Office gets more memorabilia. What Bush does with it behind closed doors is not my business.

but what Clinton did behind desks was Kenneth Star's business, right?

Ouch, thats a blow (no pun intended)

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