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well ive been bored this summer and i feel like moddin my xbox case. :-D im leaving it black but i want some suggestions ( led color , style, etc.)

right now i have a case being shipped to me , in the mean time im trying to get a new center jewel and i can decide..which one do you think i should get?


thanks for any help :o


U.S. or Dragon Heads....I've never understood case modding...just an extension to one's member and friends go "Wow" a few times. But that's just my POV.


When I first read the title I thought you wanted help buying a jewel for a chick or something. :-D


I'd go with Nirvana because they are one of my favorite bands.

U.S. or Dragon Heads....I've never understood case modding...just an extension to one's member and friends go "Wow" a few times. But that's just my POV.

its just so i dont get bored lol...and i want to make my xbox stand out :-D


Sniper because it's a sniper.

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