deadsoulz Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Can anyone help me find these roms, or post them to a.b.neogeo? Also when I run samsho5 it passes all the checks, but it give a bank error. Any ideas? Bang Bead (prototype) [Prototype, All (decrypted) data identical to bangbead] [folder: bangbedp - parent: bangbead]missing rom: 259-c1p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xe3919e44]missing rom: 259-c2p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xbaf5a320]missing rom: 259-c3p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xc8e52157]missing rom: 259-c4p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x69fa8e60] Bang Bead (Fully Decrypted) [None] [folder: bngbeada - parent: bangbead]missing set: Bang Bead (Fully Decrypted) [None]missing rom: 259-c1n.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xc50a91c3]missing rom: 259-c2n.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x820ab36e] Fatal Fury Special [Alternate set, Japanese title is Garou Densetsu Special] [folder: fatfurspa - parent: fatfursp]missing set: Fatal Fury Special [Alternate set, Japanese title is Garou Densetsu Special]missing rom: 058-ep1.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x36be707d] Jockey GrandPrix [NOT WORKING] [folder: jockeygp]missing rom: 008-c1.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xa9acbf18]missing rom: 008-c2.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x6289eef9]missing rom: 008-m1.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xd163c690]missing rom: 008-m1d.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0x1cab4de2] Jockey Grand Prix (Fully Decrypted) [folder: jockeygpn - parent: jockeygp]missing rom: jgp-m1d.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0x1cab4de2]missing rom: jgpn-c1.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xea259019]missing rom: jgpn-c2.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x97f270be] The King of Fighters 2001 (set 1) [Original version] [folder: kof2001]missing rom: 262-m1d.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x73c1f5b0] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (non encrypted) [bootleg, Kof2001 Korean Hack] [folder: cthd2k3n - parent: kof2001]missing rom: 5003-m1d.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x534fd1e7] The King of Fighters 2001 (bootleg) [bootleg, Bootleg from original] [folder: kof2001b - parent: kof2001]missing rom: 2k1-c1.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xf298b87b]missing rom: 2k1-c7.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xef682ed2]missing rom: 2k1-m1.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x73c1f5b0]missing rom: 2k1-p2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc01720aa]missing rom: 2k1-s1.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0xde828076] The King of Fighters 2001 (set 2) [Alternate version, Has AES mode] [folder: kof2001h - parent: kof2001]missing rom: 262-m1a.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0xece052b5] The King of Fighters 2001 (decrypted C) [Decrypted C-ROMs, Has AES mode] [folder: kof2k1nd - parent: kof2001]missing set: The King of Fighters 2001 (decrypted C) [Decrypted C-ROMs, Has AES mode] The King of Fighters 2002 [None] [folder: kof2002]missing rom: 265-v1d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x0fc9a58d]missing rom: 265-v2d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xb8c475a4] The King of Fighters 2002 Plus! (bootleg) [bootleg, Hacked bootleg] [folder: kf2k2pls - parent: kof2002]missing rom: 265-p1p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x6a3a02f3]missing rom: 265-s1p.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x1a3ed064]wrong placed file: C:\fbax\kf2k2pls\265-v1d.bin (move to parent: kof2002)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\kf2k2pls\265-v2d.bin (move to parent: kof2002) The King of Fighters 2002: Challenge to Ultimate Battle (decrypted C & V) [Decrypted C-ROMs] [folder: kof2k2nd - parent: kof2002]wrong placed file: C:\fbax\kof2k2nd\265-v1d.bin (move to parent: kof2002)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\kof2k2nd\265-v2d.bin (move to parent: kof2002) The King of Fighters '97 Plus (Bootleg) [bootleg, Plus bootleg, has bosses and other extra features] [folder: kof97pls - parent: kof97]missing set: The King of Fighters '97 Plus (Bootleg) [bootleg, Plus bootleg, has bosses and other extra features]missing rom: 232-p1p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xc01fda46]missing rom: 232-p2p.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x5502b020]missing rom: 232-s1p.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x73254270] The Last Blade (set 2) [Alternate version, Japanese title is Bakumatsu Roman: Gekkano Kenshi] [folder: lastblda - parent: lastblad]wrong placed file: C:\fbax\lastblda\234-c5.bin (move to parent: lastblad)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\lastblda\234-c6.bin (move to parent: lastblad) Power Instinct Matrimelee [Japanese title is: Shin Gouketsuji-Ichizoku] [folder: matrim]missing rom: 266-c1.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xf2240352]missing rom: 266-c2.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x338a9142]missing rom: 266-c3.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x6233412d]missing rom: 266-c4.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x304a2d9f]missing rom: 266-c5.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x18382650]missing rom: 266-c6.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xc5e7a840]missing rom: 266-c7.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xbfaa985c]missing rom: 266-c8.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xefaf3f3c]missing rom: 266-m1d.bin [size: 65536] [CRC32: 0x09327db8]missing rom: 266-v1d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x3ebe88cc]missing rom: 266-v2d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x2a13562d] Power Instinct Matrimelee (AES hack) [bootleg, Has debug settings in AES mode] [folder: matrimah - parent: matrim]missing rom: 266-m1d.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x6cdfbb6d]missing rom: 266ah-p1.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x1e59c746]missing rom: matr_c7.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x7866197c]missing rom: matr_c8.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xa9ff5b5c]wrong placed file: C:\fbax\matrimah\266-v1d.bin (move to parent: matrim)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\matrimah\266-v2d.bin (move to parent: matrim) Power Instinct Matrimelee (decrypted C & V) [Decrypted C-ROMs] [folder: matrimb - parent: matrim]missing rom: 266-m1d.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x6cdfbb6d]missing rom: matr_c7.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x7866197c]missing rom: matr_c8.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xa9ff5b5c]wrong placed file: C:\fbax\matrimb\266-v1d.bin (move to parent: matrim)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\matrimb\266-v2d.bin (move to parent: matrim) Metal Slug 4 (Bootleg) [None] [folder: mslug4b - parent: mslug4]missing rom: ms4_c5.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x0a4918cf]missing rom: ms4_c6.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x4d8bc320]missing rom: ms4_v1.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc1b2af81]missing rom: ms4_v2.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xcbbdc6fa]missing rom: ms4_v3.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc4f1a3cc]missing rom: ms4_v4.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x40126a0a] Metal Slug 5 (set 1) [NOT_WORKING] [folder: mslug5]missing rom: 268-c6.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xb1531523]missing rom: 268-m1d.bin [size: 262144] [CRC32: 0x6866d696]missing rom: 268-p1.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xd0466792]missing rom: 268-p2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xfbf6b61e]missing rom: 268-v1d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x14848c5c]missing rom: 268-v2d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x696cce3b] Metal Slug 5 Plus! (bootleg) [bootleg, NOT_WORKING] [folder: ms5plus - parent: mslug5]missing rom: 268-p1p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x106b276f]missing rom: 268-p2p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xd6a458e8]missing rom: 268-p3p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0x439ec031]missing rom: 268-s1p.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x21e04432]missing rom: ms5n_c4.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x899fb2af] Metal Slug 5 (set 2) [Encrypted C-ROMs, Bootleg P1] [folder: mslug5a - parent: mslug5]missing rom: 268-ph1.bin [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 0x3b4eda6b]missing rom: 268-v1a.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x0ab43275]missing rom: 268-v2a.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x358b1419] Metal Slug 5 (decrypted C & V) [Decrypted C-ROMs, Bootleg P1] [folder: mslug5nd - parent: mslug5]missing rom: 268-ph1.bin [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 0x3b4eda6b]missing rom: ms5n_c4.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x899fb2af] Neo-Demo [An amateur demo of NeoGeo hardware] [folder: neodemo]missing rom: demo-c1.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x870b28ea]missing rom: demo-c2.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x1ecf8128]missing rom: demo-p1.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xfbfce2a4] Neo Geo [bIOS only] [folder: neogeo]missing 'uni-bios.rom' BIOS rom: uni-bios.rom [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x00000000] Neo No Panepon (Set 2) [None] [folder: neonopon2 - parent: neonopon]missing rom: nnp2-c1.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x0833c9e7]missing rom: nnp2-c2.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xfbf5f67f] Neo No Panepon (Set 3) [None] [folder: neonopon3 - parent: neonopon]missing rom: nnp2-c2.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xfbf5f67f]missing rom: nnp3-c1.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xe0573498] Nightmare in the Dark (Fully Decrypted) [None] [folder: nitdnd - parent: nitd]missing rom: 260-p1a.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xbdef9b73] Bust-A-Move [folder: bustamov - parent: pbobblen]missing set: Bust-A-Movemissing rom: bam_m1.rom [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0xf424368a]missing rom: bam_p1.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xac1e9ef3]missing rom: bam_v1.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xf8872aed]missing rom: bam_v2.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0x5c8cf5fe] Pochi and Nyaa (Decrypted C, Zupapa M/V Roms) [Decrypted C-ROMs] [folder: pnyaan_ - parent: pnyaa]wrong placed file: C:\fbax\pnyaan_\267-m1d.bin (move to parent: pnyaa) Robo Army (set 2) [folder: roboarma - parent: roboarmy]wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-c1.bin (move to parent: roboarmy)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-c2.bin (move to parent: roboarmy)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-c3.bin (move to parent: roboarmy)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-c4.bin (move to parent: roboarmy)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-v1.bin (move to parent: roboarmy)wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-v2.bin (move to parent: roboarmy) Samurai Shodown V (Bootleg Fixed) [None] [folder: samsho5bf - parent: samsho5]missing rom: ss5_p1a.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xe67f3ee2]missing rom: ss5n_c1.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x726abb40]missing rom: ss5n_c2.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x76806188]missing rom: ss5n_c3.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x82db9dae]missing rom: ss5n_c4.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xf8041153]missing rom: ss5n_c5.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x2219186a]missing rom: ss5n_c6.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xd225120d]missing rom: ss5n_c7.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xd245d493]missing rom: ss5n_c8.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xeb06c9cc] Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Legends 2001 (Decrypted C) [Japanese Title is Sengoku Legends 2001] [folder: sngoku3n - parent: sengoku3]missing rom: 261-p1a.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0x6fc85b45] SvC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom Plus! (bootleg) [bootleg, Bootleg, extra features enabled] [folder: svcplus - parent: svcbl]missing rom: 269-p1p.bin [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 0xcf4f2251] Zupapa! (decrypted C) [folder: zupapan - parent: zupapa]missing set: Zupapa! (decrypted C) Thanks in Advance, if you need any I have let me know.--deadsoulz
Prican25 Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 next time plz keep it to one post (i deleted the other) i can help you with some of those but it won't be up on newsgroup till tonight
deadsoulz Posted June 13, 2004 Author Posted June 13, 2004 Thanks PR you rock, Sorry for the dual post, I got some error on the first submit
Prican25 Posted June 14, 2004 Posted June 14, 2004 (edited) gathering some of them up now. also i noticed in your list a few said wrong placed file; move to parent those you can fix yourself. EDIT: ok your request is being posted in alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo (one big ass post) i did the most i can right now so if you're still missing more, try rom request section Edited June 14, 2004 by Prican25
wemery73 Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 If anyone has trouble opening the.7z file go here 7-Zip 3.13: program
deadsoulz Posted June 15, 2004 Author Posted June 15, 2004 Thanks Again Prican, I am using the Dat that was posted shortly after your latest build was posted on a.b.neogeo, I hope this is the best one to use, =)
sp1200 Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 i used PR's dat for romcenter and it looks like my romset is really screwed, im missing alot of stuff, i know its large but if anyone can help please post to newsgroup etc... 1944j nffj.03 (247521ef) nffj.05 (7f20c2ef)19xxa 19xa.03 (0c20fd50) 19xa.04 (1fc37508) 19xa.05 (6c9cc4ed) 19xa.06 (ca5b9f76)19xxj 19xj.04a (fb8e3f29)2020bb 030-c3.bin (47fddfee) 030-c4.bin (780d1c4e) 2020bba 030-p1.rom (c59be3dd) 030-c3.bin (47fddfee) 030-c4.bin (780d1c4e)2020bbh 030-c3.bin (47fddfee) 030-c4.bin (780d1c4e) aof3 096-c1.bin (f17b8d89) 096-c2.bin (3840c508) 096-c3.bin (55f9ee1e) 096-c4.bin (585b7e47) 096-c5.bin (c75a753c) 096-c6.bin (9a9d2f7a) batcir btcex.03 (2d193cd0) btcex.04 (a3895d8b) btcex.05 (bdbed16f) btcex.06 (02048217) btce.03 (bc60484b) btce.04 (457d55f6) btce.05 (e86560d7) btce.06 (f778e61b)batridrk prg0.u22 (d9d8c907)battlegb prg_0.bin (951ecc07) prg_1.bin (729a60c6)bbakraid rom6.829 (8848b4a0) rom7.830 (d6224267) rom8.831 (a101dfb0)bbkraidu (fa8d38d3) (4ae9aa64) rom6.829 (8848b4a0) rom7.830 (d6224267) rom8.831 (a101dfb0) blazstar 239-c1.bin (84f6d584) 239-c2.bin (05a0cb22) 239-c3.bin (5fb69c9e) 239-c4.bin (0be028c4) 239-c5.bin (74bae5f8) 239-c6.bin (4e0700d2) 239-c7.bin (010ff4fd) 239-c8.bin (db60460e) bustamov bam_p1.rom (ac1e9ef3) bam_m1.rom (f424368a) bam_v1.rom (f8872aed) bam_v2.rom (5c8cf5fe) csclub cscex.03 (305fce70) cscex.04 (d11da066) cscex.05 (410c6220) cscex.06 (eaf70123) csce.03 (f2c852ef) csce.04 (1184530f) csce.05 (804e2b6b) csce.06 (09277cb9)csclubh csch.03 (0dd7e46d) csch.04 (486e8143) csch.05 (9e509dfb) csch.06 (817ba313)cthd2003 5003-p1.bin (bb7602c1) 5003-p2.bin (adc1c22b) 5003-s1.bin (5ba29aab) 5003-c1.bin (68f54b67) 5003-c2.bin (2f8849d5) 5003-c3.bin (ac4aff71) 5003-c4.bin (afef5d66) 5003-c5.bin (c7c1ae50) 5003-c6.bin (613197f9) 5003-c7.bin (64ddfe0f) 5003-c8.bin (917a1439) 5003-m1.bin (23772b2a) cthd2k3n 5003n-p2.bin (eba65bda) 5003-m1d.bin (534fd1e7) 262-v1.bin (83d49ecf) 262-v2.bin (003f1843) 262-v3.bin (2ae38dbe) 262-v4.bin (26ec4dd9) ddonpach b2.u27 (b5cdc8d3) b2.u26 (6bbb063a)ddsom dd2ex.03e (bdbc9b38) dd2ex.04e (24d1be86) dd2e.03e (449361af) dd2e.04e (5b7052b6) dd2e.05e (788d5f60) dd2e.06e (e0807e1e)ddsoma dd2ax.03g (3eacb6c3) dd2ax.04g (2afaa486)ddsomj dd2jx.03g (f6abe885) dd2jx.04g (3abd7f79)ddsomu dd2ux.03g (124ad51a) dd2ux.04g (5401c248) dd2u.03g (fb089b39) dd2u.04g (cd432b73) donpachi prgu.u29 (89c36802) text.u58 (5dba06e7) dstlk vamex.03a (2d1e4919) vamex.04a (e5172837) vame.03a (004c9cff) vame.04a (ae413ff2) vame.05a (60678756) vame.06a (912870b3) vame.07a (dabae3e8) vame.08a (2c6e3077) vame.09a (f16db74b) vame.10a (701e2147) espradej u42_ver2.bin (75d03c42) u41_ver2.bin (734b3ef0)fatfursa 058-ep1.bin (9f0c1e1a) fightfva 060-p1a.bin (2a104b50) fr2ch (all roms) 098ch-p1.bin (a2527a5f) 098ch-s1.bin (764ac7aa) 098ch-c1.bin (29bf9af0) 098ch-c2.bin (3cf46f63) 098ch-m1.bin (a455fa31) 098ch-v1.bin (92e175f0) gaia (all roms) prg1.127 (47b904b2) prg2.128 (469b7794) obj1.736 (f4f84e5d) obj2.738 (15c2a9ce) bg1.989 (013a693d) bg2.995 (783cc62f) bg3.998 (bcd61d1c) snd1.447 (92770a52) snd1.454 (329ae1cf) snd1.455 (4048d64e) ganryun gann_c1d.bin (6bf7605b) gann_c2d.bin (596792ce) garou 253-sma.bin (98bc93dc) 253-ep1.p1 (ea3171a4) 253-ep2.p2 (382f704b) 253-ep3.p3 (e395bfdd) 253-ep4.p4 (da92c08e) garoun motwn_c1.bin (497be3f2) motwn_c2.bin (6a9e95ca) motwn_c3.bin (39373d2f) motwn_c4.bin (4de23f6c) motwn_c5.bin (16634ba5) motwn_c6.bin (95671ffd) motwn_c7.bin (e36ce77f) motwn_c8.bin (ddbd1096) 253-sma.bin (98bc93dc) 253-ep1.p1 (ea3171a4) 253-ep2.p2 (382f704b) 253-ep3.p3 (e395bfdd) ghostlop (all roms) 228-p1.bin (6033172e) 228-s1.bin (83c24e81) 228-c1.bin (bfc99efe) 228-c2.bin (69788082) 228-m1.bin (fd833b33) 228-v1.bin (c603fce6) goalx3 209-c1.bin (b49d980e) 209-c2.bin (5649b015) kabukikl 092-c1.bin (2a9fab01) 092-c2.bin (6d2bac02) 092-c3.bin (5da735d6) 092-c4.bin (de07f997) kf2k2pls 265-p1p.bin (6a3a02f3) 265-s1p.bin (1a3ed064) 265-p2.bin (327266b8) 265-m1d.bin (f6fab859) kingdmgp ma02rom5.bin (8c28460b) kof2001 262-p1.bin (9381750d) 262-p2.bin (8e0d8329) 262-m1d.bin (73c1f5b0) 265-262.m1 (1d5aab51) 262-v1.bin (83d49ecf) 262-v2.bin (003f1843) 262-v3.bin (2ae38dbe) kof2001h 262-pg1.bin (2af7e741) 262-m1a.bin (ece052b5) 265-262.m1 (1d5aab51) 262-v1.bin (83d49ecf) 262-v2.bin (003f1843) 262-v3.bin (2ae38dbe) 262-v4.bin (26ec4dd9) kof2002 265-p2.bin (327266b8) 265-c1.bin (2b65a656) 265-c2.bin (adf18983) 265-c3.bin (875e9fd7) 265-c4.bin (2da13947) 265-c5.bin (61bd165d) 265-c6.bin (03fdd1eb) 265-c7.bin (1a2749d8) 265-c8.bin (ab0bb549) 265-m1d.bin (f6fab859) kof2003f 271-s1.rom (7c7829aa)kof2k1nd 262-p1.bin (9381750d) 262-p2.bin (8e0d8329) 262-m1d.bin (73c1f5b0) 262-v1.bin (83d49ecf) 262-v2.bin (003f1843) 262-v3.bin (2ae38dbe) 262-v4.bin (26ec4dd9) kof2k2nd 265-p2.bin (327266b8) 265-m1d.bin (f6fab859) kof95 084-c1.bin (fe087e32) 084-c2.bin (07864e09) 084-c3.bin (a4e65d1b) 084-c4.bin (c1ace468) 084-v1.bin (84861b56) kof95a 084a-p1.bin (2cba2716) 084-c1.bin (fe087e32) 084-c2.bin (07864e09) 084-c3.bin (a4e65d1b) 084-c4.bin (c1ace468) 084-v1.bin (84861b56) kof96h 214-pg1.bin (bd3757c9) kof97a 232-pg1.bin (5c2400b7) kof98 yz98-p1.160 (8893df89) 242-m1a.bin (4ef7016b) kof98a 242-m1a.bin (4ef7016b) kof98k 242-m1k.bin (ce12da0c) yz98-p1.160 (8893df89) kof99 251-sma.kc (6c9d0647) 251-pg2.bin (d9057f51) kof99nd kf99n_c1.bin (b3d88546) kf99n_c2.bin (915c8634) kf99n_c3.bin (b047c9d5) kf99n_c4.bin (6bc8e4b1) kf99n_c5.bin (9746268c) kf99n_c6.bin (238b3e71) kf99n_c7.bin (2f68fdeb) kf99n_c8.bin (4c2fad1e) kotm2 039-c3.bin (bfc4f0b2) 039-c4.bin (81c9c250) lastblad 234-c5.bin (1ba80cee) 234-c6.bin (beafd091) magdrop3 233-c1.bin (65e3f4c4) 233-c2.bin (35dea6c9) 233-c3.bin (0ba2c502) 233-c4.bin (70dbbd6d) matrimah 266ah-p1.bin (1e59c746) matr_c7.rom (7866197c) matr_c8.rom (a9ff5b5c) 266-m1d.bin (6cdfbb6d) matrimb matr_c7.rom (7866197c) matr_c8.rom (a9ff5b5c) 266-m1d.bin (6cdfbb6d) megamn2a rm2a.03 (2b330ca7) ms5plus 268-p1p.bin (106b276f) 268-p2p.bin (d6a458e8) 268-p3p.bin (439ec031) 268-s1p.bin (21e04432) 268-m1d.bin (6866d696) 268-v1d.bin (14848c5c) 268-v2d.bin (696cce3b) msh mshe.03 (bd951414) mshe.04 (19dd42f2)mshb mshb.03c (19697f74) mshb.04c (95317a6f)mshvsfj2 mvsj.03g (fdfa7e26) mvsj.04g (c921825f)mslug 201-c1.bin (72813676) 201-c2.bin (96f62574) 201-c3.bin (5121456a) 201-c4.bin (f4ad59a3) mslug4 263-p1.bin (27e4def3) 263-c1.bin (6c2b0856) 263-c2.bin (c6035792) 263-c3.bin (0721d112) 263-c4.bin (6aa688dd) 263-c5.bin (794bc2d6) 263-c6.bin (f85eae54) 263-m1d.bin (69fedba1) 263-v1.bin (01e9b9cd) 263-v2.bin (4ab2bf81) mslug4b ms4_s1.rom (c4f4ed0e) ms4_m1.rom (69fedba1) mslug5 268-p1.bin (d0466792) 268-c1.bin (27d59de8) 268-c2.bin (e600dee1) 268-c3.bin (b650f098) 268-c4.bin (10499589) 268-c5.bin (19352405) 268-c6.bin (b1531523) 268-c7.bin (fe2c1338) 268-c8.bin (ecce3141) 268-m1d.bin (6866d696) 268-v1d.bin (14848c5c) 268-v2d.bin (696cce3b) mslug5a 268-v1a.bin (0ab43275) 268-v2a.bin (358b1419) 268-c1.bin (27d59de8) 268-c2.bin (e600dee1) 268-c3.bin (b650f098) 268-c4.bin (10499589) 268-c5.bin (19352405) 268-c6.bin (b1531523) 268-c7.bin (fe2c1338) 268-c8.bin (ecce3141) mslug5nd 268-m1d.bin (6866d696) 268-v1d.bin (14848c5c) 268-v2d.bin (696cce3b) ncombata 009-pg1.bin (8e9f0add) neobombe 093-c1.bin (d1f328f8) 093-c2.bin (82c49540) 093-v1.bin (02abd4b0) neodemo demo-p1.bin (fbfce2a4) demo-s1.bin (cd19264f) demo-c1.bin (870b28ea) demo-c2.bin (1ecf8128) neodrift 213-c1.bin (3edc8bd3) 213-c2.bin (46ae5f16) neonopon nnp-p1.bin (8a792271) nnp-c1.bin (4a718ae3) nnp-c2.bin (0e2cbc25) neonopon1 nnp1-c1.rom (24dcba77) nnp1-c2.rom (57c41e26) neopong pong-p1.bin (9f35e29d) pong-s1.bin (cd19264f) pong-c1.bin (f5a57d1a) pong-c2.bin (affde64e) ninjamas 217-c1.bin (5fe97bc4) 217-c2.bin (886e0d66) 217-c3.bin (59e8525f) 217-c4.bin (8521add2) 217-c5.bin (fb1896e5) 217-c6.bin (1c98c54b) 217-c7.bin (8b0ede2e) 217-c8.bin (a085bb61) nwarr vphux.03f (d1c35094) vphux.04c (48b01f4e) vphux.05e (0147c2a5) nwarrb vphb.03d (3a426d3f) vphb.04a (51c4bb2f) vphb.05c (ac44d997) vphb.06a (5072a5fe) vphb.07 (9b355192) vphb.08 (42220f84) vphb.09 (029e015d) vphb.10 (37b3ce37) pnyaa (all roms) 267-p1.bin (400fd762) 267-c1.bin (87a833d8) 267-c2.bin (ff7428dd) 267-m1d.bin (31a88936) 267-m1.bin (c7853ccd) 267-v1.bin (21fbddb1) pnyaan 267-c1d.bin (2bd02a33) 267-c2d.bin (8fb27b0b) 267-p1.bin (400fd762) 267-v1.bin (21fbddb1) poknight pkn-p1.bin (750421ee) pkn-s1.bin (a26d2f09) pkn-c1.bin (5fb2b761) pkn-c2.bin (f2b570e3) preisl2d 255-c1d.bin (50fd785e) 255-c2d.bin (ab913f1e) 255-c3d.bin (bc0ee75c) 255-c4d.bin (29908823) 255-c5d.bin (83c56bca) 255-c6d.bin (59e0e805))pulstar 089-c1.bin (f4e97332) 089-c2.bin (836d14da) 089-c3.bin (913611c4) 089-c4.bin (44cef0e3) 089-c5.bin (89baa1d7) 089-c6.bin (b2594d56) ragnagrd 218-c1.bin (c31500a4) 218-c2.bin (98aba1f9) 218-c3.bin (833c163a) 218-c4.bin (c1a30f69) 218-c5.bin (6b6de0ff) 218-c6.bin (94beefcf) 218-c7.bin (de6f9b28) 218-c8.bin (d9b311f6) rbffspec 223-p2.bin (addd8f08) 223-c1.bin (ebab05e2) 223-c2.bin (641868c3) 223-c3.bin (ca00191f) 223-c4.bin (1f23d860) 223-c5.bin (321e362c) 223-c6.bin (d8fcef90) 223-c7.bin (bc80dd2d) 223-c8.bin (5ad62102) roboarma 032-p1h.bin (27c773cb) 032-m1h.bin (35ec952d) roboarmy 032-c1.bin (97984c6c) 032-c2.bin (65773122) 032-v1.bin (63791533) 032-v2.bin (eb95de70) rotd (all roms) 264-p1.bin (b8cc969d) 264-c1.bin (4f148fee) 264-c2.bin (7cf5ff72) 264-c3.bin (64d84c98) 264-c4.bin (2f394a95) 264-c5.bin (6b99b978) 264-c6.bin (847d5c7d) 264-c7.bin (231d681e) 264-c8.bin (c5edb5c4) 264-m1d.bin (e5f42e7d) 264-v1.bin (fa005812) 264-v2.bin (c3dc8bf0) rotdn (all roms) 264-c1d.bin (ec9d18c0) 264-c2d.bin (b1069066) 264-c3d.bin (7e636d49) 264-c4d.bin (76892fda) 264-c5d.bin (469061bc) 264-c6d.bin (2200220a) 264-c7d.bin (edda4baf) 264-c8d.bin (82b1ba22) 264-v1d.bin (5c77a3fe) 264-v2d.bin (a9b7af14) 264-v3d.bin (17aff92a) 264-v4d.bin (bc6a091e) 264-p1.bin (b8cc969d) 264-m1d.bin (e5f42e7d) s1945pn 254-c1d.bin (7b6902f9) 254-c2d.bin (51bd4252) 254-c3d.bin (a38993e4) 254-c4d.bin (d5696530) 254-c5d.bin (28764bd6) 254-c6d.bin (9931bdf1) 254-c7d.bin (6e12afcd) 254-c8d.bin (178d4684) samsh5nd 270-p1.bin (4a2a09e6) samsho3 087-c1.bin (07a233bc) 087-c2.bin (7a413592) 087-c3.bin (8b793796) 087-c4.bin (728fbf11) 087-c5.bin (172ab180) 087-c6.bin (002ff8f3) 087-c7.bin (ae450e3d) 087-c8.bin (a9e82717) samsho3a 087-ep1.bin (23e09bb8) 087-ep2.bin (256f5302) 087-ep3.bin (bf2db5dd) 087-ep4.bin (53e60c58) 087-p5.bin (e86ca4af) 087-c1.bin (07a233bc) 087-c2.bin (7a413592) 087-c3.bin (8b793796) 087-c4.bin (728fbf11) 087-c5.bin (172ab180) 087-c6.bin (002ff8f3) 087-c7.bin (ae450e3d) 087-c8.bin (a9e82717) samsho4 222-p2.bin (b023cd8b) 222-c1.bin (68f2ed95) 222-c2.bin (a6e9aff0) 222-c3.bin (c91b40f4) 222-c4.bin (359510a4) 222-c5.bin (9cfbb22d) 222-c6.bin (685efc32) 222-c7.bin (d0f86f0d) 222-c8.bin (adfc50e3) samsho5 270-p1.bin (4a2a09e6) 270-p2.bin (e0c74c85) samsho5b ss5_p1.rom (611a6687) sengoku2 040-p1.bin (6dde02c2) 040-c1.bin (faa8ea99) 040-c2.bin (87d0ec65) 040-c3.bin (24b5ba80) 040-c4.bin (1c9e9930) 040-m1.bin (d4de4bca) 040-v1.bin (71cb4b5d) sf2 sf2e.37g (fb92cd74) sf2e.38g (5e22db70) sf2e.28g (8bf9f1e5) sf2e.35g (626ef934) sf2turyu u222-f83.040 (158635ca) u196-99d.040 (882cd1c4) u221-59e.010 (1073b7b6) u195-472.010 (db7e1f72) sf2turyu1 tl4m1 (afc7bd18) tl4m2 (882cd1c4) 221.rom (d1707134) 195.rom (cd1d5666) sfar1 sfzex.03c (818f6bde) sfz2aa szaax.03 (a75f58bf) szaax.04 (d02351ab)sfz2ab szab.03 (cb436eca) szab.04 (14534bea) szab.05 (7fb10658) shocktra 238-p2.bin (5b4a09c5) 238-c1.bin (90c6a181) 238-c2.bin (888720f0) 238-c3.bin (2c393aa3) 238-c4.bin (b9e909eb) 238-c5.bin (c22c68eb) 238-c6.bin (119323cd) 238-c7.bin (a72ce7ed) 238-c8.bin (1c7c2efb) shocktro 238-p2.bin (5b4a09c5) 238-c1.bin (90c6a181) 238-c2.bin (888720f0) 238-c3.bin (2c393aa3) 238-c4.bin (b9e909eb) 238-c5.bin (c22c68eb) 238-c6.bin (119323cd) 238-c7.bin (a72ce7ed) 238-c8.bin (1c7c2efb) snowbroa sbros-1.41 (16f06b3a) snowbrob sbros-1.41 (16f06b3a) snowbroj sbros-1.41 (16f06b3a) snowbros sbros-1.41 (16f06b3a) sonicwi3 097-c1.bin (33d0d589) 097-c2.bin (186f8b43) ssf2 ssfex.03 (29690c24) ssfex.04 (d001e53a) ssfex.05 (a45602e4) ssfex.06 (ae3c8a14) ssfex.07 (f88f584e) ssfe.03 (a597745d) ssfe.04 (b082aa67) ssfe.05 (02b9c137) ssfe.06 (70d470c5) ssfe.07 (2409001d) ssf2tu sfxu.03e (d6ff689e) sfxu.06b (83f9382b) sfxu.07a (6ab673e8) ssideki4 215-c1.bin (8ff444f5) 215-c2.bin (5b155037) 215-c3.bin (456a073a) 215-c4.bin (43c182e1) 215-v1.bin (877d1409) sstriker ra_ma_01.01 (92259f84) ra_ma_01.05 (88b58841) strider strider.09 (2ed403bc) striderj strider.09 (2ed403bc) stridrja strider.09 (2ed403bc) stridrua strid.30 (66aec273) strid.35 (50e0e865) strid.31 (eae93bd1) strid.36 (b904a31d) svcbl 269-p1bl.bin (93855c0b) 269-s1bl.bin (3334ac31) svcplus 269-p1p.bin (cf4f2251) tigerh a47_14.mcu (00000000)tophunta 046-pg1.bin (771e39bc) 046-p2.sp2 (f182cb3e) tophuntr 046-p2.sp2 (f182cb3e) turfmast 200-c1.bin (8e7bf41a) 200-c2.bin (5a65a8ce) twinspri 224-c1.bin (f7da64ab) 224-c2.bin (4c09bbfb) tws96 086-c1.bin (2611bc2a) 086-c2.bin (6b0d6827) vhunt2 vh2j.03a (9ae8f186) vh2j.04a (e2fabf53) wakuwak7 225-c1.bin (ee4fea54) 225-c2.bin (0c549e2d) 225-c3.bin (af0897c0) 225-c4.bin (4c66527a) 225-c5.bin (8ecea2b5) 225-c6.bin (0eb11a6d) wc90t wc90a-1.bin (b6f51a68) wc90a-2.bin (c50f2a98) wc90a-3.bin (8c7a9542) whp 090-c1.bin (cd30ed9b) 090-c2.bin (10eed5ee) willow willow-u.35 (7a791e77) wjammers 065-p1.bin (6692c140) 065-v4.bin (5dee7963) xmcotaa xmnax.03a (978a0de4) xmnax.04a (07cb0839) xmna.03a (7df8b27e) xmna.04a (b44e30a7) xmvsfb xvsb.03h (05baccca) xvsb.04h (e350c755) xmvsfjr1 xvsj.03d (beb81de9) xvsj.04d (23d11271) xmvsfu xvsu.03k (8739ef61) xvsu.04k (e11d35c1) zintrckb (all roms) zin_p1.rom (06c8fca7) zin_s1.rom (07948446) zin_c1.rom (76aee189) zin_c2.rom (844ed4b3) zin_m1.rom (fd9627ca) zin_v1.rom (c09f74f1) uni-bios.rom (00000000) zintrkcd (all roms) 211c-p1.bin (9a0bfe0a) 211c-s1.bin (56d16afa) 211c-c1.bin (76aee189) 211c-c2.bin (844ed4b3) 211c-m1.bin (fcae1407) 211c-v1.bin (781439da) uni-bios.rom (00000000)
aninhomedeiros Posted September 12, 2024 Posted September 12, 2024 I'm looking for these, from what I've read here on the forum they've been mentioned several times even in the Kawa-X Plus emulator, I'll be very grateful if you can get them matrim 266-c5.bin (2584945b) rotd 264-m1d.bin (e5f42e7d)
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