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Could it be possible for anyone to post these disc on suprnova or maybe let me leech off of them I would really like to get my hands on these disc but i keep checkking the newsgroups about a day too late.

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Awesome, Joo Da Man


Happy to help out. :D


Just a reminder: Posting will begin later tonight or early tomorrow. I notice someone else is posting BAED1 right now, but that a lot of the files are showing up incomplete. I guess I'll post BAED2 first and see if he backfills his incompletes. If not, I'll post the first disc as well.


Currently Im using the Newsbin program to dl stuff but Im finding it a bit confusing on finding out what pieces I am supposed to be dling. Do i just dl one post and it automatically dl's from all the other post or do I have to dl them all individually, alternatively if there is another program out there that is better plz let me know. Thank you


Newsbin is probably the best, IMHO. Xnews is another good choice.


You need to get the full set of RAR files for each disc. Both discs have 94 RARs. You download them all and open part001.RAR and select "Extract" and it'll extract the whole ISO from the 94 files. Make sure to use WinRAR 3.0 or above to extract.


To download the 94 files in NewsBin, just click and drag to highlight all of the files and right-click and choose "Add to Download List." Files with a plain white box with a blue outline to the left of the subject header are complete. Files with a yellow box with a black "I" are incomplete. Files with a "R" are just repeats, meaning you downloaded that header (not neccessarily the file itself) before.


With incompletes, you can download what's there (right click on the incomplete, choose "Download Special," then choose "Download Incompletes."), then recover the rest of the file with PAR2s. Hope this helps.


If that's not enough, here is a good guide to using the newsgroups:



ShastaOrange first let me say welcome to the forum and thank you for your disc's which are great. just a thought but is it possible for you to repost the first disc with the newly updated emus that are out now (snes, msx, and lynx)?

ShastaOrange first let me say welcome to the forum and thank you for your disc's which are great. just a thought but is it possible for you to repost the first disc with the newly updated emus that are out now (snes, msx, and lynx)?

Thanks for the kind words, Prican25, and big thanks for your special version of FBA-XXX, which will most likely end up on BAED 3. :unsure:


As for the emulator updates, I'm torn on how I want to do it. The changes are too big to just make a patch (I think so, anyway - I tried to make one with ppf3 and it ended up 1.5x bigger than the ISO itself!) and a manual update is no big deal for many users, but many others will find it confusing.


The only other option is to remake the ISO and repack as a new archive. But then what about the people who have the original archive incomplete and just need a few files? Hmmm...


Well, I guess what I can do is remake the ISO, but also provide a manual update pack with instructions for those who downloaded it previously, and repost any requested fills of the original pack for those who may be missing them.


Yeah, I guess that about covers everyone. That'll work.




I've been trying to make the updated disc for a couple hours now, and it just ain't happening! The new xSNES9x emulator just won't work with the CDX multigame menu. It gives me some weird error message when it loads - I can't even get to the list of ROMs. The same files work fine when not launched by CDX. This sucks.


This is the first time I've ever run into an emulator that wouldn't launch from CDX. I never had a problem with previous versions of xSNES9x.


I'll just start reposting BAED2 tonight while I try to get this figured out.

Posted (edited)

part 013 or baed 2 is not dling for me but everything else is dling fine. Part 13 is freezing at 38mb or 41.39


NM I dled it with xnews and used the par to fix it now its all gravy train =P. good stuff shasty mcnasty

Edited by zhugeliang

I'll repost part 13 for you. (Don't forget you can also recover missing/incomplete parts with the PAR2 files.)



Unfortunately, I'm still not having any luck getting Xsnes9x to work with CDX, so I'm not sure when I'll have an updated BAED1 ready.

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