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Well. I'm taking summer classes every monday and wednesday. These classes are computer-type classes at a community college :(

So Basically, I'm taking them at a young age since I'm still in High School.


Classes are:

Intro to Networking and Internet




Intro to Office xp


The 2nd one kinda sucks and is boring but I"m mainly taking it so I can take other classes :P


College Classes is kinda boring at times so I can still talk to you guys via IRC if you wonder where I went on mondays and wednesdays :P


I wish I could use the internet while I was in my class. I'm taking a biology class and it's in a lab...so boring. I have to wait till I get a break or go to work before I can get online.


Intro to Office XP sounds like a tough course...I hope you can pass it. :(


I wish I could do those here too, but can't since that stupid budget cut and cause the stupid ass governator screwed colleges over :(


For the really motivated, here is a great initiative from MIT: MIT Opencourseware. Ultimately the goal of this is to put every course taught at MIT on this site. Of course, this won't give you any degree, it's just for personal knowledge.


90% sure you're not going to learn anything (apart from one or two tidbits) from those classes, but I realise you have to do them to get into other classes, so what can you do? At least they'll be a bludge.


Ugh. Call me lazy, but I like to be free of school obligations during the summer.


So would I, but I'm forced to take summer classes. Otherwise, there'd be no peace for me at home.


Anyhow, please take some time to respond to my thread regarding spyware -- if you haven't done so. (I'll send you the check later. LOL)

90% sure you're not going to learn anything (apart from one or two tidbits) from those classes, but I realise you have to do them to get into other classes, so what can you do? At least they'll be a bludge.

I'm not learning anything in my summer class, I'm just taking it because I have to. And I want to get my undergraduate degree as fast as possible so I'm taking classes every Intercession (the 3 week breaks between semesters) too. It's crazyness...

I wish I could do those here too, but can't since that stupid budget cut and cause the stupid ass governator screwed colleges over :mrgreen:

Lol! Yea I wish I could take advanced classes over the summer, but nooo Mr. Governator had to ruin it for me and a bunch of other people.

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