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sry if I screwed up your logic but after 2 bottles of wine, one's clarity seems to blur a bit and the brain isn't working all that well too...

Now what did GameCop say about posting drunk? :lol:

axl is a funny man.


Anyway, I'm assuming this game is only for the PC. Too bad...a fighting game on a PC -- guess I'll just stick to watching the videos.

Where's that logic :lol: if you use mame, kawaks, nebula etc... etc... to play cps1/2 roms, youre playing fighting games on your pc anyway.


Yes, but those roms we play on the emulators, they all pretty much have an arcade counterpart. I'm really not sure if Melty Blood has ever been released for the arcades -- and I certainly never seen one before. I only play fighting games that are still being played in arcade tournaments.

sry if I screwed up your logic but after 2 bottles of wine, one's clarity seems to blur a bit and the brain isn't working all that well too...

"but after 2 bottles of wine, one's clarity seems to blur a bit and the brain isn't working all that well too..."


What? What's that? You're not drunk eh? LOL


I can understand if you're from Romania and english is not your first language and all, but really, how old are you? You sound like a little kid. Funny guy...


For me a fighting game is a fighting game, worthy of respect! It has no importance if it's for PC or CPS1 system! All that matters is that I get my grubby little hands on it!! Another great game that was ported to the PC

was GGX!!! It was awesome! I still have it and play quite often!


my english is great!!!! and my dad's side of the family have always been great drinkers(not drunkards, high-alcohol-tolerance people) so it's natural for me to have that quality(?!) too! U should see our wine celler!!

I ussualy get shaky after 3 bottles of custom-made red wine!! Believe me!! I practice alot, although I'm only 16!!! I consider myself a funny guy too, thanks for the compliment!!


Wtf is going on, eh? Yes axl, we believe you.


Another good fighter for the PC is Last Bronx.

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