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Stereotypes By Name

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Disclaimer: I really don't want people to be offended by this topic--I DO realize that not all people with a certain name act the same etc--this is just about personal experiences...


With that said, do you find certain names tend to go with certain types of people? As an example: Every "Jack" I've met has a screw or two loose. For every 10 "Jeffs" I meet, 8 are egomaniacs.


"Cindy's" seem to be pretty wild. I've never met a "Margo" I didn't get along with. Etc.


Your experiences?

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Hmmmm. I work with no less than 6 "jasons" and 3 "Chris's". They're diverse enough that they don't share much in common though.


EDIT: You're probably right about Rasputin!

Edited by ffynnon
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