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Well I did it, I dumped 2020 Super Baseball but when I try to load it it says: "Invalid romset! Could not load GFX file!"

Better post the doc,plz!

Many people have complained about that....

Posted (edited)

hrrmmm...i dont get this. im sure as hell ive read a doc for this, i dont have one in my archive either (sorry bout that)


REDUMP v3.7 (Nov 02 2001)
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by smf

REDUMP is a convertor; it takes an mgd2 dump and produces files in mvs format.
No archives will be processed or created, this is left up to you. You should
only convert one mgd2 dump at a time as the file names are not unique.

Usage:  REDUMP gamename

Supported games:

2020bbh  3countb  alpham2  androdun aof bakatono burningh bstars
crsword  cyberlip eightman fatfury1 fbfrenzy gpilots joyjoy kotm
lbowling lresort maglordh minasan mutnat ncombat ncommand ridheroh
roboarmy sengokh sengoku2 socbrawl superspy tpgolf trally wh1


heres what the screen will post however. in a nutshell, its basically "REDUMP <gamename>" on a DOS prompt (or whatever that is called in XP)


and yeah, sorry about the doc thing again.

Edited by Xeon

ok so I've solved the crap! The thing u do is create a new folder extract the old rom u want to redump, extract redump.com in the folder and enter ms-dos prompt. in the prompt this is what appears:

"C:\Windows\" My directory was "D:\redump37\" so I wrote first "D:"

but then "D:\redump37\" appeared directly so then I wrote "redump 2020bbh(the name of the rom I wanted to dump, u can see them if you acces redump.com) and it dumped it! I zipped the new dumped rom

but when I tried to enter in it in NRX it said "Invalid Romset!Could not load GFX file!" or something like that so what I did is unzipped the new rom and renamed 2020h_p1.rom to 2020_p1.rom, zipped it and it worked!! So thanks for the help guys(non-sarcastic).

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