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I watched the clip, quite interesting. But when did Jackie become Ryu?

He didn't turn into Ryu. In fact, there is no RYu in the movie.

It is the opponent who turn into Ken.

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There's a HK movie with SF characters like Ryu, Ken, Guile, Vega (claw), two Chun Li, and Goku (Dragon Ball). But the team is mixed up, Vega is good, E Honda is bad. Ken is bad, then became good.

BTW, I'm downloading the movie, I give my comment after I seen it.

the movie is called Future Cop

this is an old hk film with alot of famous actor in it.


JC's old stuff ( yeah he likes it when I call him JC ) was much better when he was in HK (yeah thats how us cool people say it ) because they didnt really hold him back too much when he used to be like, hey let me jump out of the window onto shards of broken glass then tumble through the rosebush that just happens to be on fire and then fall off of a 200 story building and land on my feet. They used to be like ,"you think you can do that?" hes like,"No." their like." too late do it." and they would have a awesome movie. America kills all the talent from overseas by putting restrictions on them I think. Look what happened to John Woo. Even worse, look what happened to Chow Yun Fat. Bulletproof Monk? OMG that movie sucked


I agree. I used to be his fan, but I do not like him as much as before now.

His action is toned down a lot since he moves to Hollywood.

I agree. I used to be his fan, but I do not like him as much as before now.

His action is toned down a lot since he moves to Hollywood.

You gotta cut him some slack - he's over 40 now. He's probably the most flexible and agile >40 year old in the world, but he's still over 40.

Oh and interesting story about Jackie Chan - his parents work and live in my town (Canberra, Australia) where they own a Chinese Restaurant. No kidding, it's true.

Oh and interesting story about Jackie Chan - his parents work and live in my town (Canberra, Australia) where they own a Chinese Restaurant. No kidding, it's true.

What??!?!? JC own so much money already and he still let his parents work????

What a filial son! :lol:

Posted (edited)
Oh and interesting story about Jackie Chan - his parents work and live in my town (Canberra, Australia) where they own a Chinese Restaurant. No kidding, it's true.

What??!?!? JC own so much money already and he still let his parents work????

What a filial son! :lol:

Hey, I hear plenty of retired people talking about working just so they have something to do.


Example: There's a local guy who was a UPS man for 27 years. He now goes with an ex-longhair to storage lots that are up for auction, buys the contents, and makes an insane profit. He's only 47 or so, but still, he is retired.


And that movie looks pretty retarded. I like some of Jackie Chan's newer stuff, but then again, I haven't really seen any of his HK stuff.

Edited by Jiggs

Gotta remember these people do age. Bulletproof Monk was ok, but if you ask me, everything after Currupter was medicore to bad.


Be happy JC is still doing his own stunts.


Well, I don't know about any of these really new movies. I'm talking about like Rumble in The Bronx and stuff they showed on TBS all the time in the late 90's.


Well, can't say I've seen a lot of his old stuff- his new stuff is good enough though. Yeh its good he does his own stunts, but otherwise hes just a funny guy. And that thing about his parents' shop is true- I'v been there :lol:

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