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they put it in all the data information for kof2003bf or whatever, which means the cartridge number, the crc's for each rom file, etc, etc. It doesn't necessarily mean you can play the game


When editing your own dat for a game - Is it a MUST to put in a "cartridge identity number"? (Winkawaks). If so; how would you know what that ident. number is?


Pyro: Why do you want to play it with Nebula? Why not just use Winkawaks dev?

Pyro: Why do you want to play it with Nebula? Why not just use Winkawaks dev?

It's illegal to ask for leaked software on this board.


And google isn't the greatest thing in the world...unless you understand chinese.


well to answer ur question.. its because i hate the video renders/blitters on kawaks.. it sucks ass... totally screws up the gfx makes it either too blurry or to bold... and nebula on the other hand has the most options.. video and audio.. and has the best blitters/renders.

they put it in all the data information for kof2003bf or whatever, which means the cartridge number, the crc's for each rom file, etc, etc. It doesn't necessarily mean you can play the game


When editing your own dat for a game - Is it a MUST to put in a "cartridge identity number"? (Winkawaks). If so; how would you know what that ident. number is?


Pyro: Why do you want to play it with Nebula? Why not just use Winkawaks dev?

just look for Romdata Maker (too lazy to search now) or the Master List at neo-geo.com, it may not explain you about encryptions but those are enough to give you the Cart ID. Romdata Maker detects it by itself but sometimes fail (KOF2003) so theres the Master List.


im trying to download the damn 040404 emu. 6 MB of download and still isnt finished, bleh! i just want a ROMCenter DAT file for it.

just look for Romdata Maker (too lazy to search now) or the Master List at neo-geo.com, it may not explain you about encryptions but those are enough to give you the Cart ID. Romdata Maker detects it by itself but sometimes fail (KOF2003) so theres the Master List.


Thanks for the info man :blink:



It's illegal to ask for leaked software on this board.


err...If you mean: I was asking for it. I wasn't. I already have it. If that wasn't what you meant: I know it's illegal to ask for things like that - that's why i don't.


well to answer ur question.. its because i hate the video renders/blitters on kawaks.. it sucks ass... totally screws up the gfx makes it either too blurry or to bold... and nebula on the other hand has the most options.. video and audio.. and has the best blitters/renders.


I do use Nebula aswell(allthough Nebula040404 doesn' support SAIx2?) and I use Winkawaks. I prefer winkawaks for the newer roms. I like its SAIx2 blitter. Truthfully i even prefer Mame32 over Nebula.


It wasn't aimed at you...but yeah, leaked = bad.

well to answer ur question.. its because i hate the video renders/blitters on kawaks.. it sucks ass... totally screws up the gfx makes it either too blurry or to bold... and nebula on the other hand has the most options.. video and audio.. and has the best blitters/renders.


I do use Nebula aswell(allthough Nebula040404 doesn' support SAIx2?) and I use Winkawaks. I prefer winkawaks for the newer roms. I like its SAIx2 blitter. Truthfully i even prefer Mame32 over Nebula.

dude... the blitter named ElSemi's INterpolation "plus" or full interpolation.. owns 2xsai.. 2xsai is so gay i hate it

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