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Kof2003b (bootleg) transparencies !

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about the KOF2k3 shot:


i know there are transparencies in the real cart. what i want to know is if there are bootleg carts that has transparencies (since i see bootlegs that has no transparencies most of the time)

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Hmm...How much do you have to pay for a "Hobby" like that?

Well the current cab i have cost me $1.300 AUS

O_o Well, I'm sure the cab turns heads at face value. Are you thinking of getting more cabs? More importantly, where would you put them? :P

The neo Candy is smaller in size and I can sit down and play the Neo candy,I might be selling the other Cab once I got the new one.


At the moment the Cab I have is in the lounge room , Once i clear out the Spare bedroom it will go in there, I am also after a Cocktail Table as Well for the older Games.



@Xeon I heard there was transparencies in a bootleg version ,But I am not sure if it is true.

Edited by James
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Ah yes, those Neo Candy cabs are the ones they always use at Loke tests. I want one of those.

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from what mr. x told me he's getting errors when tryin it so i doubt it will work properly in fba-xxx (i couldn't get even kof2003b alone working on it).


now for a prob i'm having: someone in romshare posted a driver for kof2003b and another one thats the same but adds the new s1 but when i added the drivers and try to compile it all i get is parse errors.


so can someone plz post a fba driver for kof2003b and one adding the new s1? thx

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from what mr. x told me he's getting errors when tryin it so i doubt it will work properly in fba-xxx (i couldn't get even kof2003b alone working on it).


now for a prob i'm having: someone in romshare posted a driver for kof2003b and another one thats the same but adds the new s1 but when i added the drivers and try to compile it all i get is parse errors.


so can someone plz post a fba driver for kof2003b and one adding the new s1? thx

How about Mine I think you need the P rom called pmame.


// The King of Fighter's 2003 (Bootleg)

static struct BurnRomInfo kof2003bRomDesc[] = {
{"271-p1bl.bin" , 0x400000, 0x92ed6ee3, 0x10}, //  0 68K code
{"271-p2bl.bin"	, 0x400000, 0x5d3d8bb3, 0x10}, //  1 68k code

{"271-s1.bin"   , 0x080000, 0x4fb43ddf,    1}, //  2 Text layer tiles

{"271-c1d.bin"  , 0x1000000, 0xc29acd28,    1}, //  3 Sprite data
{"271-c2d.bin"  , 0x1000000, 0x328e80b1,    1}, //  4
{"271-c3d.bin"  , 0x1000000, 0x020a11f1,    1}, //  5
{"271-c4d.bin"  , 0x1000000, 0x991b5ed2,    1}, //  6
{"271-c5d.bin"  , 0x1000000, 0xc2de8b66,    1}, //  7
{"271-c6d.bin"  , 0x1000000, 0x3ff750db,    1}, //  8

{"271-m1d.bin"  , 0x080000, 0x0e86af8f, 0x10}, //  9 Z80 code

{"271-v1d.bin"  , 0x1000000, 0x2058ec5e,    2}, //  10 Sound data

STDROMPICKEXT(kof2003b, kof2003b, neogeo);

static unsigned short kof2003b_tbl[0x1000];

unsigned char __fastcall kof2003bReadByteBankSwitch(unsigned int sekAddress)
return *(((unsigned char *)kof2003b_tbl)+((sekAddress^1)-0x2fe000));

unsigned short __fastcall kof2003bReadWordBankSwitch(unsigned int sekAddress)
return kof2003b_tbl[(sekAddress-0x2fe000)/2];

static void kof2003bWriteBankSwitch(unsigned int sekAddress,unsigned short wordValue,unsigned short valueMask)
int address=(sekAddress-0x2fe000)/2,bankaddress;
if(address!=0xff8 && address!=0xff9 ) return;
*(((unsigned char *)kof2003b_tbl)+0x1ff0)=0xa0;
*(((unsigned char *)kof2003b_tbl)+0x1ff1)&=0xfe;
*(((unsigned char *)kof2003b_tbl)+0x1ff3)&=0x7f;

void __fastcall kof2003bWriteWordBankSwitch(unsigned int sekAddress, unsigned short wordValue)
unsigned short valueMask=0xffff;

void __fastcall kof2003bWriteByteBankSwitch(unsigned int sekAddress, unsigned char byteValue)
unsigned short wordValue=0,valueMask=0xff;
if(!(sekAddress&1)) {

void kof2003b_RomExchange()

static void kof2003bMapHandler()
// Install BankSwitch handler
SekMapHandler(5,	0x2fe000, 0x2fffff, SM_READ);
SekSetReadWordHandler(5,  kof2003bReadWordBankSwitch);
SekSetReadByteHandler(5,  kof2003bReadByteBankSwitch);

SekMapHandler(5,	0x2fe000, 0x2fffff, SM_WRITE);
SekSetWriteWordHandler(5, kof2003bWriteWordBankSwitch);
SekSetWriteByteHandler(5, kof2003bWriteByteBankSwitch);

static int kof2003bInit()
int nRet;



return nRet;

struct BurnDriver BurnDrvkof2003b = {
{"kof2003b", "The King of Fighters 2003 ( Bootleg )", "SNK", "SNK Playmore Corporation", "Neo Geo", "2003", NULL, "neogeo"},
NULL, kof2003bRomInfo, kof2003bRomName, neogeoInputInfo, neogeoDIPInfo,
kof2003bInit, NeoExit, NeoFrame, NeoRender, NeoScan, &NeoRecalcPalette,
nNeoScreenWidth, 224, 4, 3

Edited by James
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