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I'm still pissed about the fatalties.

Well as long as the dump doesn't come from the AES version, there shouldn't be a problem. Even then, there should be a workaround.


Razoola is awaiting a dump of this game so that he can work on a fix for the AES group via Unibios.


The irony of all this is that the AES/MVS people have always had a (for lack of a better word) hatred for the "ROMZ WhOreZ". In this case, they are depending on them for a dump so that perhaps they can have a fix to SNKP's raping of the final game for their NEO-GEO.


now we wait (as usual).


Yeah. The waiting game shall commence. I read on the Neo-Geo forums that Razoola will work on a way on going over the Level 3 Cruelty to enable the fatalties on the AES version.


People have tried that, even by going to Level 3 Cruelty, you still can't access the fatalities.

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