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Friend randomly sent me this link and i just adore this webpage :rolleyes:


Real Ultimate Power


Also click on movies and check out the very last link, shows the webmaster showing off his sloppy ass staff technique *nod*


my friend and I are gunna buy his novel haha lol..


I wonder if this guy is like, really serious about all of this... o. O;


Haha! This site is the greatest. I remember when I first went to it some years ago and I was so tempted to buy a shirt...but I didn't.

These ninjas aren't as cool as samurais! Or the Flying Seagull Squad!

Somebody's been playing FFX-2, huh? :rolleyes: It's the Gullwings.


Ninjas and samurais rule.


My favorite part of that website is the hate mail. Boy do I love to read incredibly stupid hate mail. :rolleyes:

These ninjas aren't as cool as samurais! Or the Flying Seagull Squad!

Somebody's been playing FFX-2, huh? :rolleyes: It's the Gullwings.


Ninjas and samurais rule.

FFXI = Hottest Samurais ever.


That site was a tottal waste of time, what a flocking loser. The hate mail was boring, the guy diidn't evem respond to the guys email. Maddox shyt is funny, this guy is gay, end of disscusion. ::snaps, and kills everybody of the forms with his ninja sword and his chinese stars::


p.s. violence you look like you're about to have sex in you avitar :blink::blink::blink:

normalbobsmith.com is also a good site with hate mail. Plus don't forget the many Jesus Dress Ups he created.

Yeah, I remember playing with that. I still have that image saved on my PC. :blink:

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