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go this from xbox-scene.com


Chankast port to Xbox?

>> From MetaFox on consolevision.com:

A few days ago we reported about the Spanish Dreamcast / GP32 party "MadriDC" which took place on Saturday 26th in Madrid, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Lucky we catched a lot more information about what happend at the partyplace.


The most interesting act was the conference conducted by Unai, a member of Chankast team and responsable of the graphics core. He announced a new core in OpenGL to attempt a Linux port. Also the last alpha will be released very soon, and the next release would be a beta that will probably run fullspeed at 700Mhz and... there's a machine that runs at 600Mhz that can receive a port... (and that might the Xbox, sad for all us die-hard Dreamcast freaks).


Chankast is a Dreamcast emulator for PC currently in development.

You can find more info about Chankast on chanka.org.

Thanks to Momdad for the news/link.

Edited by GameCop

that would be awesome!!! I hope the chanka team can pull it off. but hopefully they fix the layer issues first :)


chankast at fulls peed at the minimum of 700mhz?!! nice....maybe I'll be able to use it instead of having to buy or make a pc '<_<


Even though I don't own an XBOX, this is great news if they can actually get it to work on an XBOX. It'll take some real programming skill to get it to happen though.

how much ram does xbox carry anyway?

64MB, I believe. <_>


Why is it that people try to port everything to Bill-BOX? Is it because that's all the console's good for?

Why is it that people try to port everything to Bill-BOX? Is it because that's all the console's good for?

Well since its so much like a PC, it's easier. Would you like it if they tried to emulate Chankast on a GC or PS2? <_<

Why is it that people try to port everything to Bill-BOX? Is it because that's all the console's good for?

Well since its so much like a PC, it's easier. Would you like it if they tried to emulate Chankast on a GC or PS2? <_<


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