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I use Project Tempest and Project 64 for mij Jaguar and N64 games, but they are running very bad, can any one help me out a little what I can do to play them good!


I wish I could help because your avatar is so cool, but I don't really know what to suggest. Just download a whole heap of gpu plugins and try a few and see which one works best - if that doesn't work, tweak the graphics so that it is adjusted for minimum quality- and therefore maximum performance. Note that this is for project 64 - I havent used project tempest before.


Yeah, cool avatar.

But i dun know the answer to your problem since i dun play N64 games

on emulator :) I have the real console and still playing Goldeneye on hardest level :P Nothing beat the real controller :D


Project Tempest does use plugins.


It would be really helpful if you'd give out your system specs. Setting a frameskip might help too.


" Kewl avatar " ? :D


I nearly about to throw up :P:) (no offence)


Magins, could you move this? I don't think this thread is in the right place.


I would have move it the first time, but I was being distracted by that avatar lol, I just lost my focus, as well as control of my stomach :)

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