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Posted (edited)

okay i've read the other posts, but here's my prob.

my crcs don't match, and i have only one v rom(16 megabytes), and 6 c roms, as well as a different s rom,

the game loads when i put my crcs in the asr.dat

Here are my roms and crcs









271-p1bl.bin-8B729F56(i replaced the old one with this one)

271-p2bl.bin-BF7BF5FE(i did not write this one down in the asr file)




5 and 6 are repeated, these are the roms i used in kawaks 1.48 dev, maybe there is another kof 2003 rom with the right roms, my problem is the video, it's all screwed-up,

My dat looks like this



System: NEO

RomName: kof2003b

Game: The King of Fighters 2003 (Bootleg)

Parent: kof2003























CartridgeID: 271

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0




what should i do, if there's another kof could someone direct me to if, if you can't find it could some one e-mail me the right roms, to my yahoo account, it would be much appreciated, i guess one would have to sed them one by one, but that avoids me having to download them off of you with my 56k connection. Or maybe i saw someone talking about spitting the files, which i have never done, and don't know how to, if i have the right roms, but they have to be split, then could someone please tell me how to do that, thanks.


Oh also, it seems my v1 rom may be corrupt, i can't extract it from the zip file, but the game worked perfectly in kawaks 1.48 dev, i just though i had to point that out.

Edited by Texas

So, you wanna try it on 1.46/45 loader right?


Just get the new P1 rom. Because ASRs dont work with 1.48dv


yeah, that's what i'm doing, exept the video doesn't work right, that is what i wrote in the asr for the loader to kawaks 1.46, what i'm asking is are those the right files that i have. if not where can i get them, or what do i do. i already replaced the p1 with the new p1, but the words are screwed up and the sprites are screwed-up, i don't have 8 c roms or 4 v roms like i saw someone write on an asr in another post.


Mine are different, I think though that Mr.X could shed some light onto this.

Posted (edited)
  Texas said:
yeah, that's what i'm doing, exept the video doesn't work right, that is what i wrote in the asr for the loader to kawaks 1.46, what i'm asking is are those the right files that i have. if not where can i get them, or what do i do. i already replaced the p1 with the new p1, but the words are screwed up and the sprites are screwed-up, i don't have 8 c roms or 4 v roms like i saw someone write on an asr in another post.

U 've to use the decrypted P1 (see kof2003b P1 Nebula thread) & m1d (128 Kb ; cuz the 512 Kb's crashes) with a K-Loader.


If U want 8 Cs & 4 Vs, just split your Cs in 8 x 8 Mb (don't use C5 & C6 16 Mb & check CRC to rename them [the 2nd C becomes C3 etc]) & your Vs in 4 x 4 Mb.


Use a fixed S1 with Cs 8 Mb (see other threads).

Edited by Mr.X
Posted (edited)

This is the rom set I use


System: NEO
RomName: kof2003b
Game: The King Of Fighters 2003 (Decrypted  P' roms)






CartridgeID: 271
GfxCrypt: 0
GfxKey: 0
ButLayout: 9
Fix: 0

Edited by James

yeah, bu how do i get the four v roms and the 8 c roms? the crcs aren't the same neither is the s rom

  Xeon said:
as far as i know, if you have the decrypted 8 MB P1 then theres no need for P2 rom anymore.

MIne is , I have split the P rom thats all.

  Texas said:
yeah, bu how do i get the four v roms and the 8 c roms? the crcs aren't the same neither is the s rom

Did you ever get the first Release of the rom ?

As that is why I have the 8 C roms.

Posted (edited)
  Texas said:
yeah, bu how do i get the four v roms and the 8 c roms? the crcs aren't the same neither is the s rom

okay, C ROMs break down


C1 = 271-c1d.rom + 271-c3d.rom

C2 = 271-c2d.rom + 271-c4d.rom

C3 = 271-c5d.rom + 271-c7d.rom

C4 = 271-c6d.rom + 271-c8d.rom


you will need a file splitting program like HJSplit, Minisplit, Winsplit or whatever you can find, they arent tough to find at all (im using Minisplit btw).


the procedure would be: for C1: split the 16 MB C1 ROM into 2 parts (will become 8 + 8 MB). rename the first part as 271-c1d.rom and the second part as 271-c3d.rom


same goes for C2-C4 16 MB ROMs.


the 16 MB C5 and C6 roms arent needed and can be deleted (back it up first if you still need it)


for the V ROMs, just split it into 4 parts (will become 4 x 4 MB). the order of arrangement is V1 + V2 +V3 +V4.


for the s rom, you could just ask for it. its small, so it can easily be sent by mail or attachable (only by certain members here as it seems)

Edited by Xeon

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