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Posted (edited)

UT2004 definitely. To even touch the Halo box is sin. What a crappy port. I wish Microsoft never engulfed Bungie, Halo was going to be a totally different game. I lost interest in Halo once they said it was becoming and FPS only game for XBOX. Playing it on the XBOX wasn't that fun for me and playing it on the PC made me feel dirty.

Edited by GryphonKlaw

Halo was originally supposed to be a third-person Jet Force Gemini (n64) knockoff, right? I remember reading about in an ancient issue EGM.


UT2k4. I have both. But I prefer UT2k4 a tad bit more.

  darkmage479 said:
Halo was originally supposed to be a third-person Jet Force Gemini (n64) knockoff, right?  I remember reading about in an ancient issue EGM.

Halo was supposed to be a 3rd person kick ass game. I remember creaming my self when the first pics and video was released. Then everything went downhill after Bungie relocated to Redmond.


Agreed. When I first saw it, I said "This game looks like that mac game[Marathon]."


My, I was suprised when it was an unoffical prequal of it.


Microsoft said that you can finish your game now or it's never released. Yup, they had to rush and cut back on all the badass features they were planning for the first release.


ah yes, and now Micro$oft's new best friend (read software biatch) Rare's going to do the same thing for Perfect Dark... :lol:


I remember when i first popped Perfect Dark into my n64. I had been out of the gaming loop for some time so the game made a huge impression on me. I know im inviting a flamewar, but that warm and sticky feeling i got from playing it makes it the best FPS ever in my book.


Oh, and not to get too off topic, for Jiang: ut2004. smack yourself and say 'duh'!


get the Og unreal tournament for 15 bucks, download hella maps and skins and have twice the fun.


Unreal Tournament. No doubt about that. Get the original UT too.


Yeah, the original UT is still my favorite. But UT2k4 has an original UT mutator and its not that bad.

  GryphonKlaw said:
Yeah, the original UT is still my favorite. But UT2k4 has an original UT mutator and its not that bad.

What is the Original UT mutator in Unreal Tournament 2004?


btw, all Unreal games have a kickass soundtrack. Original Unreal was teh goodness in terms of music....but so is UT.

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