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SNK Playmore has issued a recall on all AES versions of Samurai Spirits Zero: Special


new cartridges will be issued to AES owner next month



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Moyia listened...hopefully.


Reply From Imoya

809 arcades contributed to this cause on: 04/07/15 22:19 ID: Unknown

1. About the level of cruelty expressed in the game which encountered complaints from users.

The arcade edition is uncut because these complains came in once the game [samurai Spirits Zero Special Edition] was released in arcades in April 2004. Arcade operators had received complaints about the violence in the game.

The game was censored because of both current world and Japanese events, also concerning Japan’s criminal behavior and concerning an event that happened in Nagasaki. In addition, based on these complains, we censored the game for the home release by the time the release date came. The Neo-Geo arcade version is still uncensored because it was released in April and is known as the <COMPLETE EDITION> Understanding the impressions we got from the arcade operators, we will be replacing the current home versions defective carts with new, bug-free carts. We understand your anger [the AES owners] and it will come simply as is.

Taken from the older post. That was the response from a tech guy at SNKP on why [aes]SSVS was censored.

Well that's pretty cool that they are recalling it for violence upgrade. This is the second recall today. First the FarCry 1.2 patch and now this. :P

Posted (edited)

well i dont remember them saying theyll re-enable the violence, just bug-fix the carts, their reputation as a company to recent events may still be far more important to them.


in the end (im talking 2010 here) this will only mean an alternate dump for us :P

Edited by Xeon
  Xeon said:
(im talking 2010 here) this will only mean an alternate dump for us ;)

I will be too old by then ;)


At least Playmore is doing something to enhance their image among consumers.

  Jjangthekid said:
i dont get whats so great about ss.. geez..i think lastblade was lot better..

only if they had continued on the series...  :)

I bet you've never played SS2.


As much as I love LB2, SS is still greater.

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