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"JoshMan" has posted the following over at the NEStron website:



Well, it's been awhile since my last update, I figured I should let everyone know what's going on.

Time has been scarce lately. School is kinda rough especially now right before Thanksgiving Break, and between regular school, homework, and weightlifting, I haven't really had any time to work on either of the "NEStron!" emulators for a while. Neither of them is cancelled. I think I'm going to release a new version of NEStron sometime next week. Mapper 9 and 10 support are still a little flaky, so they won't come the new version, but everything else that I mentioned in the last update will be there.


Super NEStron is currently in the stage that usually kills about 75% of all emulators built - CPU emulation debugging. I can't really say when I will finally be able to find the hidden culprit, considering what little time I actually spending working on it. So for now I'm going to make the development of Super NEStron private. This means that it may be a while before it comes out (if at all).


One more thing - I think I might want to add a "movies" section to this website, so if you have any NES movies that you've created and you want to put them up for others to download, you can send them to me at joshman@emuunlim.com. Please attach a ".zip" file containing the NES movie and a.txt file containing:


The title of the game

Description of the movie (what you do in it)

Your name (or handle, such as "JoshMan" or "Mighty Mo", etc.)

Please enter "NES Movie" as the subject of the E-mail. And please, the movies should be semi-impressive. Don't send me a movie of you "dying really bad."


Well, have a happy Sunday, everyone. :)


- JoshMan

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