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I still recall when this site, and forum first went up, I could not beleave that it would morph into what it is today, for the newer people who did not get to see what was before, it was good and all dont get me wrong but notting near as good as this. From the software side of the house to the forum side of the site. This site is growing by the minute it seems, and I could just try to picture what the man...GAMECOP has in store for us next, all I CAN SAY IS STICK AROUND FOR SOME HUGE THINGS TO come, no I did not get this from the man himself gamecop it's just one of those gut instincts, and I think the more longer time members here will tell you the same, gamecop keeps pulling rabbits out of his hat when you least expect it, and DONT FORGET THE MAN HAS A TRUE ASSET TO THE EMULATION SCENE LIKE NO OTHER IF YOU ASK ME the one....THE ONLY MAGNIS, that man is a EMULATION SOURCE LIBARY, and how can we forget about ALEXIS, DREAMCAST LOVER, IJTF_Cinder ( HOW COULD YOU NOT MENTION THE FTP GOD :) ), ME!, these are the top names that come to mind. But trust me the rest of the folks that help out with the site or just post knowledge are just that really knowledgeable, so trust them, and your in for a surprise in finding out all your emulation needs.

This site seems to really have quite a bit of an all star roster when it comes to emualtion scene knowledge so if your either new to the scene or someone a tad less experienced in the more undergroud part of the scene, my friend you are in luck.

I know this is kinda off topic to this area of the forum but I feel it was a good spot to post this subject, thank you all for your hard work, and patience in helping you all rule :D.


:D don't say FTP.......it hits me where it counts.

I long for the day I can bring it back, and on a faster connection at that. (T1 and upwards)


But yeah, you rule too! News and far corners of emulation GOD. :)


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! SPAM FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil::evil::):evil::cry::D8):spam2::lol::lol:

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