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Rule/Forum Changes


1) Remove the Rom Request Forum

- We have worked on this, the best thing to think about now is Premium Member status (100 Posts or more).


5) No rom links will be allowed to be posted in the forums and no requesting of roms will be permitted.

- Look at the rule change #1.


6) No linking to illegal emulation sites.

- All forums will be scanned and of course anything that is currently on pages and previous pages.

Concerning rules 1 and 5 I think it is completely wrong to say it's ok for 'premium' members to have their own private part of the forum to request roms, while 'n00bs' can't. That just feeds into the egos of people who think that they have earned some special priveleges just because they have posted 100+ times. If it is illegal to request roms then it should be just that, no exceptions should be made whatsoever. As u said, 'Don't forget the PM'.

I'm sure that there are some people who have made very positive contributions to these forums in many ways, yet because they do not feel the need to reply to every single post then they don't have the same rights?! Obviously I can see the need to prevent one time posters joining simply to get a rom, but that won't matter anyway once the rom requesting ends.

As for rule 6, thats gonna rule out the vast majority of rom sites as most of them host at least some roms. This rule is basically saying 'don't' link to sites that host roms because we don't condone that anymore. Therefore then the 'PM me for a link' should also be banned as it is just the same thing only it's a link to someone who will be giving u the link, or as u said, 'providing it'. It's just indirectly linking, just as bad as a direct link.

In general tho I think all the changes are a positive step and hope it all goes smoothly. However if one of the major reasons for these changes is to at least appear to be a 'proper' emulation site like the ones you mentioned then it has to be done right. No requesting (including 'Anyone have e0923345.rom for xxx' as mine is missing'), no links, no PM-to-links (at least openly) or similar.

The basic premise seems to be, as with the sites u want to affiliate with, that it's ok to use emulators, ok to play roms u never even owned, AND we'll even help u with an problems u may have getting those illegal roms to work, it's just that we can't tell u where to get all the stuff, because it's 'wrong'. The contradictions are unreal.


Good luck!

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The rules are not as clear as we want them to be right now. We'll have a more clearer set of rules soon. This is just the basis of the new rules. As for the new user thing, the premium members status has always been a gift after achieving 100 posts.


Needs to be clearer :\


Cuz right now to me sounds like heavy censoring.

Posted (edited)

Um... I came from NGEmu, a site which isn't really too bad, but most peole there seem a little anal about most 'iffy' topics (To the point where almost anything involving jargon or patching is chimed in on by every idiot with half a brain and no knowledge on the subject [see a post I made a while back about some IPS patches for a couple GB games]). Here is a good bit more relaxing - nobody lords their post count over anyone (In fact, I've seen many examples of this just being more joke material), and I think it's because there aren't as many rule restrictions. And by the way, I'll keep coming back here anyways, whatever you do, seeing as how this site has (and I mean this) one of the best communities.

Edited by Tsunami_Bomb3r

These rules, however good intentioned, will completely change the whole feel of 1emulation. That won't matter for me, as I've never had a problem finding a rom, and don't even really use emulators much anymore - I'm pretty much only around here for the chat in current affairs. So I'm still going to stay around - unless this place changes totally to the dictatorial regime indicated by those rules - but I can see that alot of people may leave. When it comes down to it, this is an emulation site, and those rules seem to state that you won't be able to talk about roms anymore :unsure:.

Maybe I'm being too harsh - but I can see alot of people leaving the site because of this rule change, and I can see this perestroika changing this site from the friendly place it currently is to something completely different.

Posted (edited)

Seeing how GameCop wants new affiliates, things have to change for that to happen... The biggest bottleneck has been the ROM Request Forum and was the prime example of why other emulation sites wouldn't link to this site.


Yes, this place will cease to be the old 1Emulation.Com and evolve, but that doesn't mean the whole "feel" of this place will be gone. The changes will also prune those member that only come here looking for rom image links and do not contribute to the userbase of this site.


Free talk of rom images and whatnot needs to stay. Surely the talk about rom images isn't just mere rom links?


Still, the rules need fine-tuning and clarification.

Edited by Agozer

I'll take my shot at clarifying the rules for you guys. Hopefully GC doesn't bite my head off for twisting it.


1) Remove the Rom Request Forum
- We have worked on this, the best thing to think about now is Premium Member status (100 Posts or more).


GC clarified this in the IRC channel. I'm guessing that the premium members are the only ones that can request roms now. So no newbies post once and leave forever...Pretty good thing. (Glad he didn't remove it :unsure:)


2) Remove the EmuNet Forums
- A brand new website will be made and everything will be moved there.


I'm guessing this goes with Rule 3. Since the Emunet forums are DC++ hubs and contain illegal material from other users, its supposed to be moved so the 1emulation forum wouldn't be seen with them and making people affiliate with us more.


3) Remove any other illegal material
- Anything that is currently on page 1 in all forums will be scanned and previous pages.


Gamecop explained this in the IRC channel also. Since we can't remove every stupid illegal material in every page (espcially current affairs), we are supposed to look in page one of every forums and remove/close the illegal posts.


4) Remove GameShare system
- Has been removed.


Self-Explanatory. Its gone. It died. It RIP. You can't access it anymore


5) No rom links will be allowed to be posted in the forums and no requesting of roms will be permitted.
- Look at the rule change #1.


This is probably the rule that I have a little problem with. Of course everyone can use a pm feature. I saw this on A@H with the u2u. I mean, people will pm someone a lot just for a rom link. Of course theres the irc channel and the dc++ hub, but some people don't ask for them..Oh well Most people that have above 100 posts don't ask for roms anyways.


6) No linking to illegal emulation sites. 
- All forums will be scanned and of course anything that is currently on pages and previous pages.


Same thing as rule 3. Lalala


I was probably the administrator that didn't wholly agree with everything...but these rules are better than the ones I saw :huh:


I can accept most of the rules.

The only rule that i have trouble is :

5) No rom links will be allowed to be posted in the forums and no requesting of roms will be permitted.


Erm....it just dun feel like an emulation site if we can't ask for rom or inform a whereabout of a rom, even for premium members. :unsure:

I can accept most of the rules.

The only rule that i have trouble is :

5) No rom links will be allowed to be posted in the forums and no requesting of roms will be permitted.


Erm....it just dun feel like an emulation site if we can't ask for rom or inform a whereabout of a rom, even for premium members.  :unsure:

nono, you don't get it, see, when you're a premmie you'll be able to access the rom request forum


so ppl can actually try to become members of the community

I can accept most of the rules.

The only rule that i have trouble is :

5) No rom links will be allowed to be posted in the forums and no requesting of roms will be permitted.


Erm....it just dun feel like an emulation site if we can't ask for rom or inform a whereabout of a rom, even for premium members.  :unsure:

nono, you don't get it, see, when you're a premmie you'll be able to access the rom request forum


so ppl can actually try to become members of the community

Yeah, I know...but if we are still NOT allow to post links, what use is the Rom Request forum?? :huh:

Posted (edited)
I can accept most of the rules.

The only rule that i have trouble is :

5) No rom links will be allowed to be posted in the forums and no requesting of roms will be permitted.


Erm....it just dun feel like an emulation site if we can't ask for rom or inform a whereabout of a rom, even for premium members.  :unsure:

nono, you don't get it, see, when you're a premmie you'll be able to access the rom request forum


so ppl can actually try to become members of the community

Yeah, I know...but if we are still NOT allow to post links, what use is the Rom Request forum?? :huh:

Request a ROM Forum will be hidden from others... Post your ROM links there.


I think it should be The ROM Requests & ROM Links Forum.

Edited by Agozer

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