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Does anyone know where to get a definative list of ways to get the costumes? I got a list on the internet when the game was first relesaed and still cannot find a new updated list with the actual ways of earning them.


For instance, I tried getting a Gold ranking time with Hitomi and Zack for Zack's 3rd costume and this doesn't work. This has happened with many of them, where I tried what the lists said, but it didn't work.


Every list I've seen includes the same bogus ways to get them. So does anyone know where the FINAL list is or if there is one?


Thank You


Well, I don't know how much this relates to DOA3: In DOA2, the few lat extra costumes could be only gotten by defeating a set number of opponents or getting a set number of points in Survival Mode.




Check GameFAQs. That site doesn't exist for nothing.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, GameFaqs only has one secrets FAQ and it is not up to date. I find it insane that Tecmo have designed such daft and impossible ways of getting the costumes never mind the fact that they haven't released a final list themselves. I mean, what are you supposed to do? Just play 24 hours a day trying random things and hopefully get a couple of costumes now and again? They definitely shouldn't set hard to achieve goals and then have the cheek not to tell you what you are supposed to be trying.


Anyway, I need help. Please someone inform me of a final list.


Has anyone actually earned all of the costumes?

Edited by shin_nihon_kikaku

why dont you try xboxsaves.com and get the full unlocked save if they have it? at least its worth a look

Yeah, GameFaqs only has one secrets FAQ and it is not up to date. I seriously find it ridiculous that Tecmo havent released a final list themselves. I mean, what are you supposed to do? Just play 24 hours a day trying random things and hopefully get a couple of costumes now and again? They definately shouldnt set hard to achieve goals and then have the cheak not to tell you what you are supposed to be trying.


Anyway, I need help. Please someone try and find out a final list.


Has anyone actually earned all of the costumes?

Then how the hell would you explain the replayability of the game.


imo DOA3 blows.

Posted (edited)

Why has this been moved to Xbox emulation? This question has nothing to do with emulating on an xbox. It is one of the most general questions you could ask. If there was a general xbox sectionn then maybe that's where it go, but this is about emulation on xbox. crazy.


I thought you could talk about anything in the current affairs section. Plus, this topic was actually getting replies before you moved it. The 1emulation staff seem far too fussy while looking at topics and wanting to move them. I once placed a post in the current affairs section getting people to appreciate kaillera and start looking into it. but the staff automatically moved it into the kaillera section. I was drawing peoples atention to kaillera, how are people who have neve heard of it. going to go in the section for it. And obviously (just because it had kaillera in the topic title) it got hardly any replies. Why spread the word of kaillera in the section where kaillera users hang out? If there was a topic saying "what's your favourite fighting game?" and someone said Street Fighter 3 for the Dreamcast, would you move this topic to the DC emulation section?


Anyway, thanks for suggesting the xboxsaves url for my costume collection, but I find it important to have MY times and records to try and beat in the future. I just wanted to know how to unlock the costumes myself.

Edited by shin_nihon_kikaku
Posted (edited)
Then how the hell would you explain the replayability of the game. - K'dash


Please don't tell me you are that dumb. There are times and scores to play for, the most important feature in games to add replayability. How do you explain the replayability for almost every game without unlockables? Are SFAlpha or KOF un-replayable because you don't HAVE to play to unlock stuff?


Plus, it's the type of unlocking that is terrible - get an xbox item (1/512 chance of appearance) for multiple characters...I haven't even seen 1 and I have played the game loads. That's not replayability, that's a full time job.


Anyway K'dash, I'm sick of your constant fault finding in these forums (against my posts and everybody elses), almost every post you read you try and think of a reason why they were wrong, and most of the time you are talking complete bull and not even contributing to someone's post or question.


In this case your even going so far as to stick up (the thing about "replayability") for a game that I'm saying is stupid and that you don't even like. Ridiculous.

Edited by shin_nihon_kikaku

Well first off, any fighting game has replay value. If it dosent, you have nobody to play it with. That simple. *points at toshinden 3 in system.*


About the outfits. The only way to unlock outfits in the ntsc doa 3 was to get the bonus disc from some magazine. Zacks outfit can be unlocked by "i think" 30 wins and its not that hard if you stick to a pattern. He has a throw that slams someones head into the ground 4 or 5 times. 3 of these normaly kill a character.


The disc does not have zacks outfit. You have to earn that one. Then show it off like a award. :angry:

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