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Well i just finished up mgs2 in like less than 3 days....i can remember beating part 1 a couple years ago...and part 2 seem pretty short...anyone looking forward for mgs3? well im too lazy to find some info about the story...anyone got any info about the game? please no spoilers... :P


All I know so far:


1 - Takes place during the cold war

2 - It's obviously big boss

3 - Uh, In the jungle

4 - You need to survive(like litterly)

5 - And uhh, WHAT IS THE STORY?


MSG1 was like, short.


You can say that about MGS1 also :P


i played it at e3, it was pretty nice. didnt give it too much time as i only have a xbox but the game looks very promising. graphics are some of the best ont he xbox and the whole finding food to eat is pretty sweet. apparently there is some kind of wierd thing that happens when you die tho that hasnt been explained yet. when you die the words time paradox appear on the screen and apparently there is something you can do in 30 seconds that changes it but i have no idea what it is. maybe its like the rewind feature in full spectrum warrior but if it is then you can almost guarantee it will only work on the

hard drive for ps2 if you have it

graphics are some of the best ont he xbox and the whole finding food to eat is pretty sweet.



Anyone have a lozenge?


oops =P best on ps2 thanks for the correction ASSHOLE :P jk jk

oops =P best on ps2 thanks for the correction ASSHOLE  :P  jk jk

Don't make me eat you cat. Cuz one day. BOOM. No more cat for you!

oops =P best on ps2 thanks for the correction ASSHOLE  :lol:  jk jk

Don't make me eat you cat. Cuz one day. BOOM. No more cat for you!

WTF did I just miss here?

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