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It will be playable at the next E3

The trailer at E3 was real time

He's very happy of Kaze no takuto's graphical style, and screw you if you are not.

This Zelda will be about a more mature Link, so it has to be a more mature graphical style.

At E3, there won't be much shown. They don't want to reveal much.

He doesn't want Link to talk. If he has to make him talk, he'd rather be the one to play him.



Donkey Conga is made by the Taiko No Tatsushin team while the controlers are by Nintendo.

He's very happy with what Namco is doing with Starfox.

Nintendo doesn't like GTA and however well it sells, they don't want to deal with this kind of games. "


Source: MMcafe & Iggy!


GTA might be on Nintendo cuz it sells!

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