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I was wondering if anyone can post the names of the roms inside Metal Slug 5 for Kawa-XXX?......or a link to a txt that lists them all.


I'm not sure if I need to rename mine or not, same with the name of the zip file.



Thanks in advance.


Yeah I need to know What I need to name Matrim Melee and Rage of the Dragons. I checked gogo's forums where I found the info earlier but he seems to have removed all info on his site regarding any of the banned roms.


ahh...nevermind, found it on emule....and in case anyone else is interested......


System: NEO

RomName: mslug4nd

Game: Metal Slug 4

Parent: mslug4



263-p1.bin 1Mb

263-p2.bin 4Mb



263-s1.bin 128k



263-m1.bin 128k



263-v1.bin 4Mb

263-v2.bin 4Mb

263-v3.bin 4Mb

263-v4.bin 4Mb



263-c1.bin 8Mb

263-c2.bin 8Mb

263-c3.bin 8Mb

263-c4.bin 8Mb

263-c5.bin 4Mb

263-c6.bin 4Mb



CartridgeID: 262

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: C




System: NEO

RomName: kof2k2

Game: The King of Fighters 2002


267-p1.bin 1Mb

267-p2.bin 4Mb




267-s1.bin 128k



267-m1.bin 128k



267-v1.bin 4Mb

267-v2.bin 4Mb

267-v3.bin 4Mb

267-v4.bin 4Mb



267-c1.bin 8Mb

267-c2.bin 8Mb

267-c3.bin 8Mb

267-c4.bin 8Mb

267-c5.bin 8Mb

267-c6.bin 8Mb

267-c7.bin 8Mb

267-c8.bin 8Mb



CartridgeID: 267

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0




System: NEO

RomName: svcplus

Game: SVC PLUS (Bootleg)


svc_p1.rom 6Mb


svc_s1.rom 128k


svc-m1.rom 128k


svc-v1.rom 4Mb

svc-v2.rom 4Mb

svc-v3.rom 4Mb

svc-v4.rom 4Mb


svc_c1.rom 8Mb

svc_c2.rom 8Mb

svc_c3.rom 8Mb

svc_c4.rom 8Mb

svc_c5.rom 8Mb

svc_c6.rom 8Mb

svc_c7.rom 8Mb

svc_c8.rom 8Mb


CartridgeID: 269

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0





System: NEO

RomName: mslug5nd

Game: Metal Slug 5


268-p1.bin 6Mb



268-s1.bin 128k



268-m1.bin 128k



268-v1.bin 4Mb

268-v2.bin 4Mb

268-v3.bin 4Mb

268-v4.bin 4Mb



268-c1.bin 8Mb

268-c2.bin 8Mb

268-c3.bin 8Mb

268-c4.bin 8Mb

268-c5.bin 8Mb

268-c6.bin 8Mb

268-c7.bin 8Mb

268-c8.bin 8Mb



CartridgeID: 268

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0



System: NEO

RomName: samsho5

Game: Samourai Showdown 5


270-p1.bin 6Mb



270-s1.bin 128k



270-m1.bin 128



270-v1.bin 4Mb

270-v2.bin 4Mb

270-v3.bin 4Mb

270-v4.bin 4Mb



270-c1.bin 8Mb

270-c2.bin 8Mb

270-c3.bin 8Mb

270-c4.bin 8Mb

270-c5.bin 8Mb

270-c6.bin 8Mb

270-c7.bin 8Mb

270-c8.bin 8Mb



CartridgeID: 270

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0



System: NEO

RomName: kof2003

Game: King of Fighters 2003


271-p1.bin 4Mb

271-p2.bin 4Mb



271-s1.bin 128k



271-m1d.bin 128k



271-v1d.rom 4Mb

271-v2d.rom 4Mb

271-v3d.rom 4Mb

271-v4d.rom 4Mb



271-c1d.rom 8Mb

271-c2d.rom 8Mb

271-c3d.rom 8Mb

271-c4d.rom 8Mb

271-c5d.rom 8Mb

271-c6d.rom 8Mb

271-c7d.rom 8Mb

271-c8d.rom 8Mb



CartridgeID: 271

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0



System: NEO

RomName: rotdn

Game: Rage of the dragons


264-p1.bin 8Mb



264-s1.bin 128k



264-m1.bin 128k



264-v1.bin 4Mb

264-v2.bin 4Mb

264-v3.bin 4Mb

264-v4.bin 4Mb



264-c1.bin 8Mb

264-c2.bin 8Mb

264-c3.bin 8Mb

264-c4.bin 8Mb

264-c5.bin 8Mb

264-c6.bin 8Mb

264-c7.bin 8Mb

264-c8.bin 8Mb



CartridgeID: 264

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0



System: NEO

RomName: pim

Game: power instinct matrimelee



266-p1.bin 1Mb

266-p2.bin 4Mb



270-s1.bin 128k



270-m1.bin 256k



266-v1.bin 4Mb

266-v2.bin 4Mb

266-v3.bin 4Mb

266-v4.bin 4Mb



266-c1.bin 8Mb

266-c2.bin 8Mb

266-c3.bin 8Mb

266-c4.bin 8Mb

266-c5.bin 8Mb

266-c6.bin 8Mb

266-c7.bin 8Mb

266-c8.bin 8Mb



CartridgeID: 266

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0



System: NEO

RomName: cthd2k3

Game: power cthd2003



5003-p1.bin 1Mb

5003-p2.bin 4Mb



5003-s1.bin 128k



5003-m1.bin 128k



5003-v1.bin 4Mb

5003-v2.bin 4Mb

5003-v3.bin 4Mb

5003-v4.bin 4Mb



5003-c1.bin 8Mb

5003-c2.bin 8Mb

5003-c3.bin 8Mb

5003-c4.bin 8Mb

5003-c5.bin 8Mb

5003-c6.bin 8Mb

5003-c7.bin 8Mb

5003-c8.bin 8Mb



CartridgeID: 5003

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 0


grrrrr....I guess I still need help. It seems to recognize all of the roms, except for Metal Slug 5. From the above information I named the zip as it is listed, and made sure the insides were correct as well, but for some reason it won't show up on the list. Anyone have any ideas to what I should do to get this to work in Kawa-XXX?


cool, I was able to figure it out myself. After examining the xbe, the name of the rom in the readme.txt was wrong.


It isn't mslug5nd


It is mslug5n



Hope this bit of info helps others, as my brain hurts now.

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