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no, i just enjoy the original experience. I actually have pretty large hands.


Oh BTW, Random comment/story:


My friend Dans NES is REALLY screwed up, it wont read ANY game right, because the contacts are screwed, and everything looks a bit scrambled, but its still playable. Anyway, if you tap the left side, The NES pauses your game (like pressing the start button) but wont unpause it, you have to use the controller. If you tap the top of the NES, it resets the unit, If you tap the back of the NES, it turns off, and if you tap the left side or front, it resets and starts resetting and resetting.


Pretty screwed up NES aint it?

lets play some duck hunt/ mario


Oh That Was One Of The First Games I Ever Bought!


And Shibathedog: Good Thing That Dan Isn't Me, Cuz That Started To Scare Me




Duck Hunt/Mario/Track Meet biotches!!!


Ahh duck hunt, i remember the competitions, who could get the farthest without missing and such, great times, The NES is one of the best system ever made.

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