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MY favorite machine of old times are dreamcast,and nes.Please pick your most favorite 2 older systems and two games for each to go with it

dreamcast -snk vs capcom 2 power stone 2

snes-super mario kart super mario all stars


Dreamcast IS past PSX1


i sort of expected something more vintage in the title (like those crazy old Japanese computers :D). i lived my life only with handhelds though.


My favorite old school machine is my old IBM PS/2 with 33 mhz CPU and 8 MB RAM (later upgraded to 83 mhz, 16 mb RAM, and a sound card).


But the best would have to be NES which narrowly beats out the SNES. The best console games ever were made for those systems.


Dreamcast after PS1...HA!




Donkey Kong Country, Yoshi's Island.




Last Blade 2, Shock Troopers 2nd Squad.


Snes - I can't choose any two games


Genesis - Shadowrun

Sonic 3


And if the Dreamcast counts...


Dreamcast - Time Stalkers

Space Channel 5


Well, dreamcast shouldnt techinically count but...


Dreamcast (theres no possible way i can pick just 2)


N64 - Goldeneye (ohhh those multiplayer moments) and Zelda: Ocarina Of Time


rest are pretty much emulated on DC :D


If Dreamcast Doesnt count....


N64 (same games)


NES - Contra, Super Mario Bros 3....ok there has to be a third here... Smash TV....and a forth....River City Ransom..and...oh god the games that rule for that system dont end.



Super Punchout

Super Mario Kart

(too hard to just pick 2


Ninja Gaiden

Tecmo Bowl

(again 2 is not fair lol)

DC should count but that system is almost more popular now than when it was first on the market lol

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