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Metal Gear Solid 3 Hype Thread

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Lets start with the E3 2004 Preview Video.


MGS3 Preview 2004


Here is the Tokyo Game Show Trailer


MGS3 TGS 2003


-Basic Information-


-The Character you play as is Code named "Naked Snake"


-This Game is set in 1964


-Takes Place in Jugle Area (Obviously)


-Jumping from a great distance can cause Limb Damage, and has to be treated.


-Free Roam Style Gameplay. There is no Set path and you are able to fully explore Jungle.


-Survival is one of games main aspects. Meaning that you have too eat food or "Snake" will become weaker. Killing animals and using them for food will become an important task.


-CQC (Close Quarters Combat) will advance hand to hand combat. "Snake" will be able too use a knie and gun inconjunction to take down guards.


-Camoflauge is an important tool as well. Using face paint will become an important role in steatlh.


Camoflauge Explanation Vid



-Weapons and Vehicles (Besides Metal Gear) in this game were supposedly used during the 1960's and/or were Prototypes.


-Revolver Ocelot is in the game.


-This Game will answer most of the questions left by MGS2.


-Weather Effects


-New Engine


-Harry-Gregson Williams will continue doing the score.


-Smarter AI.


-Able to man Turrets


-Hang with one Hand and Shoot.


-Traps, hostle environment and dangerous Animals.


-Gameplay Pictures-


"Naked Snake"


More "Naked Snake" pics






A Snake






*Copied and pasted @ shoryuken.com

Edited by Xx1LLMAT1CxX
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i dunno...


the game looks cool enough but i'm not sure it's right to hype the game, especially since the fanboys considered MGS 2's story sub-par. I hope the new aspects of the gameplay are really an essential part so the game doesn't feel like a rehash...


I'm still waiting for Zone of the Enders 3 (if they ever decided to make it). ZOE 2 was much better then MGS 2 and was my second favorite Konami game ever (after Super Castlevania 4). I'll still buy MGS3 though.

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