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What a "talent." I bet he can pick up massive amounts of chicks with that. "Hey baby, wanna see me squirt something?"


It seems that the Guiness people encourage this kind of record to be made.

They must be afraid that they are out of job :shootem:


Yeah, Guiness just wants more records, they don't care what it's for. One man holds the record for how many burgers he can fit in his mouth. Hooray. But can he swallow them all at once?

Yeah, Guiness just wants more records, they don't care what it's for.  One man holds the record for how many burgers he can fit in his mouth.  Hooray.  But can he swallow them all at once?

No, he can't! But Scooby-Doo can, and this will be a record holder forever. Hahahahaha! :(


i like to make little sandiwiches out of cheeze-its and that canned cheese stuff, sometimes they are like 40 layers, its the best snack ever.


Ok i seriously couldnt think of a way to reply to this, besides saying that, and suggesting that it hold 2 records


1. Best Snack Ever (maybe, i have some rivals for it...)

2. Biggest cheeze-it layerd sandwich


Nah, he had nothing to do just for a living but creating some silly records for his own and making him famous. Scuba gear? That's a thing to support him to stay underwater. Wonder how he could manage it if he stay underwater without it. That would be challenging! :evil:

Nah, he had nothing to do just for a living but creating some silly records for his own and making him famous. Scuba gear? That's a thing to support him to stay underwater. Wonder how he could manage it if he stay underwater without it. That would be challenging! :evil:

There is someone who can. He's a French, I think.

He holds the record of diving the deepest WITHOUT any diving gear.

More than the limit of a normal human being.

He was interviewed in TIMES before, I think.

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